All Out Offensive Against Guns in 2000


New member
Found this on the website of Atlanta talk show host Neil Boortz.


Get ready for it. Feeling a sense of urgency from the White House, top aides to the Clinton administration will meet "to prepare an all-out offensive on guns in the coming year," as one senior White House official put it. Their plans are to give Justice and Treasury extra funding for gun control measures. The Washington Post quotes sources as saying the objective is to either force the Congress to pass the anti-gun measures
Bill Clinton wants, or face the consequences at the polls next November. White House officials believe Congress has greatly underestimated the level of support among the public for gun control. Said White House domestic policy chief Bruce Reed, "The country is tired of waiting for Congress to respond to the tragedy in Littleton. The administration is going to do everything in its power to make progress on guns."

That's right--you'll face greater threats to your right to self-defense next year. Here are some things you'll definitely see during the debate:

--Dianne Feinstein, Chuck Schumer, and their crowd calling for "common-sense" gun laws "for the children."
--The news media and politicians assailing the National Rifle Association's membership as "merchants of death."
--Further attempts to demonize gun ownership. If you own a gun, you'll be painted as everything from racist to short-tempered to anti-government. (That last one ain't all that bad.)
--Rosie O'Donnell jumping into the fray again--and getting egg all over her face, again.
Boortz is the Real Deal. Very libertarian, very no-nonsense, no time for those who can't argue a point with logic and operate only on emotion and "feelings". His site proclaims the "Boortz Institute for Insensitivity Training", so you can imagine how he deals with arguments like "guns are bad". ;)

Check out his web site at: Neal Boortz Home Page

His daily talk show program notes are here:
Nealz Nuze
every day at around 8:15 Eastern (they're up by then because he's on the air doing his "government outrage of the day" at 8:20, then the show starts at 8:30.)

Listen in, read the Nuze, check out the site!


[This message has been edited by JimR (edited December 15, 1999).]
You mean it can get worse? Beyond the threatened lawsuits and rhetoric and pressure on Congress?

Oh yeah, I forgot Clinton wields a mean Executive Order and Congress is too chicken-sh$% to do anything about it. I think one of his last acts as Prez will be to ban any imports related to firearms through an EO. Ammo, mags, guns, parts, who knows what else. Not too far fetched, really.