All Militia Members (and that's most of you!) Please Read


New member
There is a nice little piece written about the Militia at

Please read and give the widest possible dissemination. Ask your representatives at the local, state, and federal levels how they reconcile all the present unconstitutional firearms laws, with the original intent of the people who made the law (the framers), with the original law itself (the Second Amendment), with US Code Title 10, Chapter 13, Paragraph 311, and with any state statutes which address state militias. In my state, the militia is covered under statute 19-2-101, and is an almost verbatim quote of the US Code mentioned above. Ask these people why it is that Vermont is the only state in the Union that seems to understand the Second Amendment.

And now for a parting quote, which is foreign to those bureaucrats in the Republics of Kalifornya and New York, and in Bejing-on-the-Potomac:

"Who are the militia? They consist now of the whole people, except a few public officers." -- George Mason
Poe make many fine points.

While it is emotionally inconceivable to me that Americans might one day need to literally band together to save themselves from an oppressive government, it is not illogical to consider the possibility. The future is a very, very long time ...

America has only existed for a bit over 200 years. That is not really a very long history. Some argue that other nations have fared just fine without an RKBA. However, Cambodia, Rwanda, Yugoslavia, Indonesia and many other countries show us the 'downside' of disarmed civilians. Citizens in Great Britain and Australia have already been disheartened by the lack of positive criminal effect from their gun bans. It is certainly too early to determine the 'political' effects from their actions.

Entertainers, especially, like to joke about how silly it is to conceive of Americans trying to fight the federal government with our little guns, against fighter jets, Apache helicopters and even nuclear weapons. The best answer I've seen here is the success the Viet Cong had in the '60's. The Russian experience in Afghanistan is another example of stubborn resistance by outnumbered and out-armed 'civilians'. This does not even begin to address the breakdown in military and police discipline that would result if they were asked to attack fellow Americans.

Finally, one of the few arguments I have seen to really make liberals stop and think - I ask them to name the 'right wing' American politician they most fear and despise. Then, I ask them how comfortable they feel if that person is in power in DC, and perhaps begins to misuse that power, as we've seen done by Billy Jeff. Isn't it interesting how so many liberals currently think the 2nd Amendment is a joke ... but, notice how many of them were also of the ilk that would support left wing 'militias' in other countries, and folk 'heroes' such as Che Guevara. How soon they forget.

I'll never forget the short email correspondence I had with a survivor from the Kent State shootings in 1970. He supported getting rid of 'assault weapons', and 'Saturday Night Specials'. He was a big Clinton supporter. It astounded me that a victim of this shooting by the National Guard had not considered the issue a bit more carefully.

The anti-self defense movement does not hold the intellectual high ground on this issue. They are fighting from a bastion of ignorance, lies and superficial thinking. Their soldiers are air-head celebrities that don't give a damn about the truth of the anti cause - they care only for the publicity, and they don't have the necessary brain cells to seriously consider these issues. They'll sell us all down the river so they can make another appearance on TV.

So, I too find it unlikely that Americans would ever have to resort to this remedy that was included so prudently by our founders. And, there would certainly be hell to pay if we ever came to that road in our country. But, it is not inconceivable to me that one of the reasons we have prospered so well, and that we have lived in such relative peace, is the very RKBA that so many seem so willing to now destroy. IMHO, they are working to destroy the very factor that has given us so much peace for so long.

Regards from AZ

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited November 12, 1999).]
If they get you with a first strike, you are out of the running, but think about sabotage. It would be smart to take out the enemy's high tech advantage.

The big thing about the hi-tech aircraft and such is that it needs major support services, fuel, avionics, communications, etc. etc. That stuff can all be taken out with rifle fire.

45 ACP: Give 'em a new navel!