All "Down Under", Californians & All, PLEASE READ!


New member
I’m from Southern CA, and saw this letter to the editor in my local paper. I can’t vouch for the accuracy of the figures, obviously, but thought this might be of interest to you folks "down under", all Californians, as well as the rest of the gun owners. Anyway, here it is in its entirety:

"It has been 12 months since gun owners in Australia were forced to surrender 640,381 personal firearms to be destroyed, a program costing the government more than $500 million dollars.
And now the results are in: Australia-wide, homicides are up 3.2 percent; Australia-wide, assaults are up 8.6 percent; Australia-wide, armed robberies are up 44 percent (yes, 44 percent). In the state of Victoria, homicides with firearms are up 300 percent. Figures over the previous 25 years show a steady decrease in armed robbery with firearms (changed drastically in the last twelve months). There has been an increase in break-ins and assaults of the elderly.
Australian politicians are on the spot and at a loss to explain how no improvement in "safety" has been observed after such monumental effort and expense was successfully expended in "ridding society of guns." Bet you won’t see this data on the evening news or hear your governor or members of the state Assembly disseminating this information.
It’s time to state it plainly: Guns in the hands of honest citizens save lives and property and, yes, gun-control laws only affect the law-abiding citizens. Take note, Californians, before it’s too late!" JEFF BRACK

Okay, back to me (Fred). As I said, don’t know if the figures are accurate, but it sure seems to be the exact opposite of what is happening in those states here that have "shall-issue" laws on the books. Kind of a sad commentary on what happens when folks think they know what is best for people, and pass these ridiculous gun control laws!

Bruce from West Oz - I read your recent post, and share your frustration. Hang in there. I can only hope that if these stats are true, that sooner or later folks will complain loudly enough that restrictions might ease. I wish you, and your fellow Australians, well.

Regards - AZFred
It would seem that we may have a lurker from the Orange County Register in our midst. This is a good thing. The OC Register is a generally libertarian organization and I rarely disagree with them.

The post about a NYC resident who moved to Montana and later received a letter from NYC's firearms control agency (requiring surrender or proof of non-ownership) was reprinted a week or so ago. Other topics, including Australia's woes, are echoed. Maybe it's a coincidence, but I don't think so.
Unfortunately those figures are correct ! :(
The information has been reprinted word for word from an Australian article on how the new laws have failed.
Oh well, I s'pose "we've" still got rocks & harsh words to protect ourselves with ! ;)
Prob'ly ban the rocks too, if given half the chance.
Also, the Police when questioned on the ineffectiveness of the new Laws replied that 2 years(later) wasn't enough time to correctly gauge how the laws were working/not working properly !
The're not sticking their heads in the sand, the're shoving their heads up their collective @r#es !

"The Gun from Down Under !"

[This message has been edited by HS (edited August 06, 1999).]
New statistic were released a day or so ago for NSW. Armed robberies are down so all the anti gunners will claim the gun laws are working.
They did say that Police were concentrating more on repeat offenders known to police and this has reduced crime levels. They did this in tyhe area where I live and it has been working.
Hey R.A...
Police targetting repeat offenders!
Now why hasn't "that" been thought of before?
Ahh... the miracles of modern sleuthing eh. ;)
Next thing you know, they'll be checking the Bikie Gangs for illegal drugs & weapons !
Who woulda thunk it ? :D

"The Gun from Down Under !" long has it been NOW since the gun buy-back? I presume these figures are a year or two old? Is there an internet source for this interesting data?
I can remember seeing newsphotos of the huge piles of turned in weapons in Australia. It amazed me that in a country with such a small population in relation to it's landmass that this many weapons, (640,381) would be turned in. Seems like there would be no shortage of places to stash targeted categories of guns. They must have a good portion of the citizenry buffaloed and brainwashed for this kind and size of turn-in and compliance. Anyone ever see any estimates of the percentage of weapons not turned in?

Just one of the Good Guys

[This message has been edited by Good Guy (edited August 12, 1999).]
Estimates of what was turned in and what was kept vary greatly, depending on who you believe.

A conservative estimate is that fewer than one-third of "prohibited weapons" were handed in. It could be as little as 20%.

Might I suggest anyone who's really interested go and have a poke around the Sporting Shooters Association of Australia (SSAA) website. There's literally tons (or tonnes) of information and statistics there.

Incidentally, much of the footage shown on television of guns being destroyed in Australia was, actually, "borrowed" footage of the results of a voluntary gun buyback in the USA!!! Unless you actually see something in the film/photograph that positively identifies it as Australian, I simply wouldn't believe it!

Thanks for the great site and information Bruce. Borrowed pix from the good ol' USA, huh? That figures, anything goes when the government and media want to get there point across.

I'm glad to hear that the estimates for percentage of those who complied with the turn in is so LOW. Good to know there are so many if us, percentage wise, around the globe that are of like mind. Here's wishing you and yours GOOD LUCK.

Just one of the Good Guys