Alessi W6DT


New member
I haven’t read too much in the Forum about the products for Lou Alessi – so I thought I’d share a few opinions about my most recent addition – a Watch Six Dual Talon (W6DT) for my Colt Defender. First let me start by saying I have tried a number of different products from different manufacturers and let’s just say the Lou has never let me down in quality or service.

When I ordered the W6DT I was looking for something that was not going to add to the already thin profile of the Defender; but be sturdy enough to wear all day. I already had a couple of Lou’s Hard Shell Talons and was very pleased with the holster and the Talon clip. The holster retains the shape well, snuggly holds the gun and Talon clip firmly holds onto the waistband of my pants. The W6DT did not disappoint me. It is thin and comfortable. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so here are a couple of thousand words about the W6DT

Front View

Top / Side View – Awesome Thinness

Concealed Carry View

Top Concealed Carry View

Exposed Concealed Carry View

-- Chuck
Nice pictures. Im surprised you can use this holster as a tuckable. It doesnt look like there is any space for the shirt between the holster and pants. The thinness of the holster is impressive.


I don't really "tuck-in" my shirt. I tuck in all around the holster and fold the shirt tail back up and just "blouse" it over the rig. I use that methaod regardless of which holster I am using.

-- Chuck
I never thought of tucking the shirt in that manner. You've never had a problem with the shirt pulling up and exposing your firearm? What about the tail falling out and just looking sloppy? I may reconsider springing for an actual tuckable design if this works well.


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I've got a WSDT for a Kahr K9 and I love it. I've also got an Alessi belt. In my opinion, Alessi products are the best leather products out there, regardless of price!
You've never had a problem with the shirt pulling up and exposing your firearm? What about the tail falling out and just looking sloppy?

Not really, it looks the same as your shirt usually does after you have been sitting for awhile. And with any IWB you have to be carefull about how you bend and stoop. The tail is folded up and I tuck the shirt in front of and behind the holster creating a "tension". I do discretely check the coverage throughout the day. If you odserve the "average" person they are constantly tucking, tugging and re-arranging their shrits, pants jackets etc.

where'd you order it?

From Lou Alessie at you can see some other holsters at His web site is "under construction" - he's too busy making holsters to finish it :)

-- Chuck
One of the neatest things about the Watch 6 DT is that the design is a collaboration between Lou Alessi and Tony Kanaley of Sparks holsters. Lou and Tony are two of the most talented holster designers ever and their firms compete in the same high-end holster market. Yet neither Lou and Tony are the sort who lets egos, not-invented-here syndrome, or petty business competitiveness keep them from recognizing excellence, from whatever source. These gentlemen have class.

In my opinion, Alessi products are the best leather products out there, regardless of price!

I have to wholeheartedly second that. I have Lou's belt slide that makes me cry every time I see it and giggle very time I wear absolute masterpiece. The pull-through snap feature is something that is seldom covered in holster talk, but something that I find absolutely brilliant as holster engineering goes.

It is smooth as silk with the right level of snugness. I also find it extremely aesthetic...hand boning to the right extent, no overdetailing of anything, with the right amount of individuality, which gives it the artisanal charm. My Gummint screams to dwell in it...