Alessi holsters


New member

Forgive the length but here's an experience I had with Lou Alessi which I think might interest TFLers. Response time from the moment I sent my first e-mail was the thirteen minutes it takes me to drive to work. Lou's e-mail was waiting when I booted my work computer. Read the simple exchange below and tell me it wouldn't convince you.

"Subj: invoice #2447 dbl pouch m-8 w/surefire 6p
Date: 5/25/00 11:15:23 PM Eastern Daylight Time


Sorry to bother you but I have a small concern. Received today in the via priority mail the magazine/flashlight carrier I ordered from you for a H&K P7M8 magazine and a Surefire 6p flashlight. I inserted a magazine loaded with dummy rounds and a 6P flashlight and attached the rig to my belt. Found it very difficult to extract the magazine. When I managed to pull it free (took off the carrier and pulled with both hands) I brought a bit of the carrier leather out with it. Seems the metal lip which sticks out of the front of the magazine to engage the pistol's mag release is catching on the interior material of the carrier. This both anchors the magazine in the carrier and carves up the leather. I attempted loosening the tension screw all the way and the condition seems to persist.

Am I doing something wrong here? Any information would be appreciated.

- Drew

By the way, just got home from the local IDPA match. I have been shooting a Glock 19 from a rigid synthetic holster. My buddy shoots the same gun with the same rig and we almost always finish within 0.99 of each other (he's faster, I'm more accurate). Tonight I shot my P7M8 using my "slow-to-draw" Alessi CQC/S. I beat my bud by more than four seconds. The CQC held the P7 firm when I needed to move actively and released the pistol quickly and smoothly during hurried presentations. Thanks for a wonderful product."

"Subj: Re: invoice #2447 dbl pouch m-8 w/surefire 6p
Date: 5/26/00 9:31:01 AM Eastern Daylight Time

Drew, Damn those P7M8 magazines! Better send it back to me so I can either remold it or make a new one. That little lip on the magazine gives the holster makers fits. I should have molded in a 'tunnel' so the lip would clear, but it's possible it didn't get fitted properly after it was dry. So if you don't mind, send it back, and I'll take care of it, and send you a single mag pouch also for your trouble. Thanks, and you have my apologies

Kinda hard to argue with that sort of response. Carrier went in the mail at the end of the day on Fri. 26 May. The package I received in return went in the mail on Thursday 8 June. Looking at the calendar and figuring mail time between Hampton Roads VA and Alessi in NY, this looks like about a 5 - 6 business day turn around.

So let me get this straight. Alessi finds the time to inspect and remanufacture my item and get it back in the mail in under a week!?!?! Oh, and let's note the little added fact of a FREE single magazine carrier that he threw in along with a hand written note thanking me for my patience.

So, no hassle on return and repair, lighting fast turn-around, a $40 FREE item on a $50 purchase, gentlemanly conduct and, let's not forget, a great product. Tell me again why I'd buy anywhere else?!? I just wish Lou made cars! ;-)

Sorry to ramble but the single point is that such outstanding customer service and product quality deserves to good press. If you're in the market, check out Lou's stuff. I'm looking for reasons to order again.

- Jawper
Your's is not the first such story I've heard about the product and service provided by Mr. Alessi.

Judgeing from what I read and hear, Mr. Alessi avoids going broke with such service and policies by making very, very few errors to start with.

I've been dithering (read that "saving up the bucks") about getting one of his holsters/belts/mag carrier systems for a Kimber Pro and/or Ultra. I think you've just helped me decide that I've dithered long enough.

Jim Fox

My experiences with Mr. Alessi echo yours. Although I didn't have any problems with my order, Lou was most courteous and helpful. He
also made a belt for me to my specifications which is simply beautiful. A true gentleman!
mark / FL
Iffn you don't mind, I may just e-mail this to Lou.

I'm only going to say this one time (now), you can't beat Lou's holsters or service.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
Jim V,

I'm a bit embarased to say that I've posted the above message so widely (Glock Talk, Gun Spot, etc.) that Lou has already seen it. I've always had a bit of a big mouth I suppose.

- Jawper
jawper, I've seen the post elsewhere and i am sure lou has seen it but it never hurts to remind a craftsman that people like his products. I sure do.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
You might want to check out, Each is individually hand-molded, the P7 mags are not a problem. Buncha selection too.