Alert for Wisconsin gun owners


New member
Picked this up on another board.

"Wisconsin -HB301 -- For those of us on this board who live in the great state of Wisconsin, an unbelievable bill is being worked on in our state Senate that would virtually make it impossible for any private citizen to transfer/give/sell any handgun to another person.

This stupid bill, if passed, will make it mandatory that the transferor obtain first a FFL (cost $200.00), then a state dealers' handgun license (cost $500.00), THEN have their fingerprints on file with the DOJ (cost $10.00), THEN the transferee must fill out the NICS form, and submit to the background check. THEN, if the DOJ feels like it, (literally) they may issue the approval.

I understand that the object is to deal with 'straw' purchases, but this will eliminate nothing except the law-abiding citizens rights to private sales between individuals, and will probably close down most, if not all, gun shows.

I just can't believe this is coming from MY state!! I have emailed my displeasure with this bill to my area's state Senator, Alice Clausing, and also to the state Attorney General, whom I have heard that he was behind the coining of this idiocy in the first place.

I know this is the rifles board, but all of you out there: BEWARE. Watch your own state's bill for something similar, and waste no time to respond with as many people as you can muster. One way to get the word out is to send a 'letter to the editor' in your local newspaper. Unless the paper is a major publication, these may very well be printed and you may be surprised how effective this can be."
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As far as reducing illegal Straw Buyers, although those bozos have to do is hit one of them with a 10-year Federal felony and widely advertise the fact. They might even advertise that they will use the next illegal buyer as a poster boy. Ah, but that wouldn't fit the agenda.

You residents may find this handy (bless the Internet) --

Here's the bill's text, but you will need an Acrobat reader -- it wouldn't let me cut and paste.

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.
Thanks for the info, I had been in contact with my rep about the personal protection act, I will tell them all what I think of this cruddy proposal. How many deer licenses were sold?? we need to get every hunter to wear blaze orange to the capital, (or work? how about blaze orange ribbons??? hmmmm) and show how many law abiding citizens really don't need more gun control laws.
Yech! People of Irish ancestry aren't too keen on Orange...

OTOH! How about Realtree ribbons? A bit more militant, I suppose. But Realtree has a vested interest in the Second Amendment. Maybe they would work with us.

Get one for me and I'll wear it in every class I teach!