ALERT: Brady chat


Staff Alumnus
At 12:30 pm EST, Sarah Brady will be the guest in an ABC-hosted chat room. The URL is

Questions (and flames :) ) can be posted now, but as the room is moderated, don't expect to see any realistic opinions.
I think I'm going to be ill.

An excerpt from the session:

I am adamantly opposed to the Concealed Carry Laws and want to point out that there has been no credible research done that shows that they have done anything at all toward reducing gun violence. Florida today is one of the most violent states as far as firearm violence goes. And the study (Lott Study)that is so often quoted by the gun lobby has been refuted by top researchers across the country.

Of course, the moderator has posted *no* questions or comments refuting Ms. Brady's statements. He has, however, posted comments from morons like "Assault weapons should be banned."

I can't read any more of this crap.

[This message has been edited by Coinneach (edited February 26, 1999).]
I've submitted 10 questions thus far...asked her to explain Vermont's low gun violence while having the most liberal CCW.
This is a damned puff piece for free propaganda

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
OK, I hit the "new messages" button. Looks like the moderator finally broke down and submitted a pro-gun statement from a cop!

I also submitted another question asking exactly who has discredited the Lott study. Gee, no answer. 'magine that.
I'm up to 19 questions thus far...and one statement supporting that cop after she implied he was lying

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
I've heard her speak live twice and I really am beginning to think that she does not know she is lying. She does not need to be "exposed" she needs to be "educated." As for her handlers.. they may well know what they are doing.

The problem wit her is that she has become a figure head. My guess is that "they" planned on having hr husband as the figure head and had no idea it was a package deal.. now she is running with the ball and they have to keep throwing blocks for her.

I love that part about "closing loopholes in the instant check... to include a 3 day waiting period."

Yeah, the "instant" part of the instant check is the loophole I guess. ;)

[This message has been edited by Rob (edited February 26, 1999).]
Of course she knows.

From her concluding statement:
majority of gun owners are responsible with their
firearms and have supported our program as

A Parsed statement if ever there was one...implying that the majority of gunowners side with her, rather than merely stating that the majority of gunowners are responsible.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
I asked 2 questions, one on the CNN poll and the overwheming support for less control and what data she used to support her statement that there are hundreds of thousands of gun injuries every year.

As suspected they did not get posted.

People who lie make me ill. In fact I don't feel real good after reading all of her lies!
Call me paranoid...but

I think these moderated "speeches" with submitted questions are really used to 1) convince the non-thinkers and 2) get the questions to determine how smart and where the opposition may be going....basically, we are doing their homework for them

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
FWIW, one of the questions I posted asked her if she was aware that John Hinckley would not have been prevented from trying to kill Reagan. Wonder why that one wasn't posted :)
One of my questions:

If the waiting period is so important and crucial to give local LE time to check, what good is the NICS other than compling information?

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
I tried to think of a way to sneak a question in to try to pinpoint her agenda.....

I asked if she would be in favor of gun safety education in public schools, just as there is sex-safety and drug-awareness education, to help prevent the tragic firearms accidents that, according to HCI, affect thousands of kids every year.

guess what.. mine didn't make it either.

DC -

You're not paranoid; they really are out to get you.

I'm working on formatting the transcript of the "chat" for my website. Just re-reading it is infuriating.

I'd say all of Ms Brady's comments can be summed up in one word:

If I was a gambler, I would bet they had to search long and hard through the responses to find the ones supporting her.
That is, after all of those glorious posts from her own organization made up at the beginnig of the chat.