Alaska/Vermont bills


New member
Question to TFL's REAL politics experts: Which states, if any, currently have Vermont/Alaska bills debated in their respective legislatue? That'd be interesting to watch...
We had one in the legislative session in New Hampshire last year, and the session this year is just getting underway. I expect that Rep. Jim Wheeler will probably annoy the Criminal Justice & Public Safety Committee further by introducing it again this year.
Can you please inform me [and the other TFLers who probably care] of how likely you believe it is to pass?

Sorry for the bad English.
Extremely unlikely.

The makeup of the Criminal Justice & Public Safety committee, which makes the OTP/ITL recommendation on the repeal bill has not changed in any meaningful way, has a large number of current and former law enforcement officers on it, and the majority has been pretty consistent in their position that the minimalist licensing system ($10 for 4 years, no fingerprints/photos, generally shall-issue) we have in place now works reasonably well and is not in need of an overhaul or repeal.

What I would like to see in the interim is a repeal of the requirement that unlicensed individuals carrying openly must disarm when in a motor vehicle, I think that would have a reasonable chance of passing, particularly with testimony from stalking and domestic violence victims.