Alaska CCW


New member
I possibly will be moving to Alaska in the near future. Can anyone give me the down and dirty on Alaska CCW laws. I've looked up their law but I'd like some realistic experienced viewpoints here. I'm currently CCW in Georgia.

"It is easier to get out of jail then it is a morgue"
Live long and defend yourself!
John 3:16
You have to attend the training course. The license is good for 5 years and you can renew it for $30 after that with no further training.
You can carry openly anywhere in the state without a permit.
Its a gun-friendly state.

The Bears and Bear Maulings Page:
Just to add to what Keith mentioned, I have a friend in Anchorage who does training classes for folks to get their ccw, at very reasonable costs. He is a multiple Orange Gunsite grad, and recently went to Thunder Ranch. His rates are very reasonable. Email me if you want more info.

I'll bet your friend in Anchorage is the one who trained me. Its a good little course and I especially appreciated all the post-shooting legal advice.
He hooked our local chief of police into teaching a part of the course (another Gunsite grad), who assured everyone that they wouldn't be charged in his jurisdiction unless there was an obvious bad shooting.

The Bears and Bear Maulings Page: