Alan Keyes ?


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I heard Alan Keyes is throwing his hat into the ring for the Presidential Race. He was on Sean Hannity's radio show today. Despite Hannity, I think he came off pretty well. No discussion about guns in particular but the following is from his website. (under "issues") .
Right to keep and bear arms
I am a strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment.

The right to keep and bear arms was included in the Bill of Rights so that when, by a long train of abuses, government evinces a methodical design upon our natural rights, we will have the means to protect and recover those rights.

In fact, if we make the judgment that our rights are being systematically violated, we have not merely the right, but the duty, to resist and overthrow the power responsible. That duty requires that we maintain the material capacity to resist tyranny, if necessary — something that is very difficult to do if the government has all the weapons. A strong case can be made, therefore, that it is a fundamental DUTY of the free citizen to keep and bear arms.

The gun control agenda is based on the view that ordinary citizens cannot be trusted to use the physical power of arms responsibly. But a people that cannot be trusted with guns cannot be trusted with the much more dangerous powers of self-government. The gun control agenda is thus an implicit denial of the human capacity for self-government and is tyrannical in principle

It is shocking for me to see a politician openly express their view of the 2A ... and have it be essentially the same as mine.

He may not have a snowball's chance but given the rest of the field, but it looks like he will get my support/cash.
What do you guys think?
I don't know why Keyes would be doing this instead of supporting Ron Paul. He's coming into the campaign too late to gain much credibility and he's ONLY going to steal votes from Ron Paul. For this reason, my respect for Alan Keyes just diminished.
He may not have a snowball's chance but given the rest of the field, but it looks like he will get my support/cash.
Alan Keyes just appeared in the race, there's ALREADY a good candidate supporting the original intent of the Constitution (Ron Paul) and you're already committing your "cash" to Alan, who just showed up?
Alan Keyes just appeared in the race...

Just so it's clear, Alan Keyes has actually been in the race for about three months now. He announced about the same time Thompson did. Still a bit late (especially since it seems like the primary campaigns have been going for about 17 years now), but he didn't exactly "just" enter.
I don't know why Keyes would be doing this instead of supporting Ron Paul. He's coming into the campaign too late to gain much credibility and he's ONLY going to steal votes from Ron Paul. For this reason, my respect for Alan Keyes just diminished.

I see. So the democratic process should be available to everyone as long as it doesn't interfere with your candidate. Gotcha.
There are some people (and I confess that I am one of them) that cannot stomach Ron Paul’s stance on the war. I have a few other problems with him and have decided not to help fund his or any of the others’ campaigns.
and you're already committing your "cash" to Alan, who just showed up?
No cash committed yet. I still need to do a little research but if I find that he more closely represents my views, of course I will support him.
Alan Keyes has actually been in the race for about three months now. He announced about the same time Thompson did.
Apparently the media did not give Keyes much attention. I’m not surprised.
I like Alan Keyes. I think he's smart. Heck too smart for a lot of people to understand what he's saying. But on the Republican debate the other day he took a few short trips into space.
Two strikes against Keyes are:

1. His support for Federal “reparations” to Black Americans for slavery. Where does Keyes find support for "reparations" in the Constitution?

2. The serious questions about what has happened to millions of dollars of contributions made by members of the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps (MCDC) which Keyes was accepting into his Declaration Alliance PAC in order to "manage" for the MCDC.
I don't think most folks even knew (or still know) he's in the race this time around. He doesn't have a chance. I like the guy, he's smart and articulate (clean too:)) but he does have a bit of a wild hair going.
Before I discovered Ron Paul, Alan Keyes was one of my favorite guys. He has been in the race all along and is a perpetual candidate. Why him, Pat Buchannan, and Lou Dobbs don't support Dr Paul I don't get. There is something rotten I know not of. The fix is in.
Alan Keyes on reparations:

Speaking at a news conference at the Hotel InterContinental in Chicago, Republican Keyes added to his now familiar talking points his stance on slavery reparations.

Prompted by a reporter’s question, Keyes gave a brief tutorial on Roman history and said that in regard to reparations for slavery, the U.S. should do what the Romans did: “When a city had been devastated [in the Roman empire], for a certain length of time–a generation or two–they exempted the damaged city from taxation.”

Keyes proposed that for a generation or two, African-Americans of slave heritage should be exempted from federal taxes–federal because slavery “was an egregious failure on the part of the federal establishment.” In calling for the tax relief, Keyes appeared to be reaching out to capture the black vote, something that may prove difficult to do, particularly after his unwelcome reception at the Bud Billiken Day Parade Saturday.

The former ambassador said his plan would give African-Americans “a competitive edge in the labor market,” because those exempted would be cheaper to hire than federal tax-paying employees and would “compensate for all those years when your labor was being exploited…”
Brief editorial from the Washington Times July 2006, exploring the ongoing questions over what happened to $1.6 million in donations to MCDC that went missing after being routed through Alan Keyes' Declaration Alliance.

As supporters of the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps, we were disheartened to read Jerry Seper's front-page article Thursday about questions and criticisms of President Chris Simcox's management of the organization. According to the article, the volunteer group has not made any financial statements or fundraising records public since April 2005 -- circumstances that have strained relations between Mr. Simcox and several of his top employees, some of whom have resigned in protest.

Mr. Simcox must resolve these problems quickly. Failure to do so would only encourage the organization's critics -- who have made no secret of their desire to see the Minuteman volunteers arrested for vigilantism. But more importantly, according to Mr. Simcox's estimate, Americans have donated $1.6 million to the corps because they believe in their mission to secure the southern border. In return, the least they should expect is transparency and the assurance that their donations went to help the volunteers in the field. But the truth is that no one except Mr. Simcox knows how much money has been donated and what it has been used for.

So far, Mr. Simcox has been unable to come up with a good explanation -- at least one that can be independently verified. And while he insists the money went to help field operations, workers at these locations tell a different story. For instance, Vern Kilburn, who resigned earlier this year as director of operations for the organization's northern Texas sector, told The Washington Times that only two checks for $1,000 came from Minuteman headquarters in October and that other directors across the country "are having similar problems." Some volunteers said that money promised by Mr. Simcox for food and supplies never arrived. "An awful lot of equipment I saw was donated," said Mike Gaddy, who resigned last year after serving as director of operations in New Mexico.

Part of the problem, say the critics, is that Mr. Simcox decided to route donations through the Herndon-based Declaration Alliance, founded by conservative activist Alan Keyes. According to Mr. Simcox, the Declaration Alliance will give the Minuteman group the resources required to maintain the movement through mass mailings, public relations and the ability to conduct "a fully accredited and independent audit." That's all fine, except that Mr. Simcox has not disclosed how much he's paying the Declaration Alliance for its services nor how that money is being used.
Used to think Keyes would be a good candidate until he just got butchered in the 2004 Illinois Senate elections by Barack Obama. He performed poorly in the campaign and just underwhelmed me on the stump. He barely eeked out 56% of the vote among registered Republicans.

Politically, his career is over. He won't live down that loss until he is too old to be considered as a candidate again. Great views on the Second Amendment; but he just isn't going to win.
Keyes makes a buck by running and then going on the speakers' circuit later.

He was a real louse to his kid and that speaks to his character. She said she was gay and he threw her out of the house, cut off her college money.

Not like Cheney, Regan or Schafly - arch conservatives who had gay kids but still considered them part of the family.
Did any of the Keyes supporters watch his performance in the Iowa Republican debate last week? He was extremely irritating with his strident pontificating and refusal to adhere to the time limits everyone else respected. Keyes makes Mike Gravel seem almost sensible by comparision!

Honestly, Alan Keyes may be pro-gun, but IMO he is an absolute nutter on everything else.
Alan Keyes.
I don't think America is ready for a Afro American President! He would be the one for the job when the time comes. He Calls it like it is and has no problem telling people that they have a problem. Yes I COULD Vote for him.

The Pink, American Indian, Irish, Swedish, Norwegian, Dutch Mutt that I am!:D
I stopped taking him seriously after he came out for the reparations. Not only does that label you as a fringe lunatic, but a nasty sort of fringe lunatic, IMO, the sort who's comfortable with racial discrimination and collective rights if they like the particular instance.
I watched part of a debate with Keyes last week, and was absolutely turned off by his rhetoric and style. At one point, my wife turned to me and asked if he was serious.

I didn't have an answer.

Buzzcock's got the spot-on answer for this thread, though.