Alan Keyes on C-spann


New member
Did anyonw see Alan Keyes on Cspann this morning? He gave a really pro-constitutional speech. I really like this man's politics. He's more a statesman than a politician. Too bad he doesn't stand a chance. I may vote for him in the primary however, just to stir up the Republicans from their slumber.

Sorry I missed that. I like Alan Keyes tremendously and agree that he has a bearing of a statesman rather than a politician.

That is precisely why he will not be elected. He is not "slick" or "empathetic" enough.

Not that I admire the man blindly, but can you imagine Teddy Roosevelt being elected in today's environment, for example? I don't think so! I mean, even most blacks won't vote for Alan Keyes, who is often viewed to be strange or unstable.

I can understand the man perfectly. He loves freedom and the Constitution that guarantees it and cares not to let the Big Brother run our daily lives.


For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the supreme excellence. Sun Tzu
I didnt get a chance to see the man on the tube but he sure seems to be quality...he has a electronic news letter if you can find his site.....fubsy.
Keyes really is excellent. I saw an interview with him on CSPAN over the weekend where they went into more of his personal life. Interesting guy who unabashedly proclaims his constitutional roots. He said this country is in the empire stage that Rome was in prior to it's fall. That we need to return to the constitutional, self-governing model the framers intended. Intelligent, focused, high character and dedicated. He has my vote in the primary for sure.

He sees the longrange outlook for the country and stated perhaps people are not now ready to hear the call to return to a constitutional government but the time will come and he hopes to have played a part in laying the foundation with his message.
As to America being in the same state that Rome was prior to its fall, keep in mind that Rome was Christian when it fell. We must do everything possable to prevent America from following the same path.