Alabama: need help legalizing short barrelled rifles and shoguns ASAP!


New member
Short barrelled rifles and shotguns are illegal in the state, and we are trying the change that. HB2 will do that, and passed the house overwhelmingly. Now, there is a problem with the senate. Check out the message I am pasting below:

According to my contact from Rep. Greeson's office, Senator Lowell Barron is keeping the Bill from coming to a special order vote because of the UAH shooting. Never mind the fact that Amy Bishop used a handgun.

Anyway, please call and write Senator Barron (be civil, but firm) and let him know your feelings on the issue:

Senator Lowell Barron
Room 729-B
11 S. Union Street
Montgomery, AL 36130
(334) 242-7858
All right, Sen. Barron's Admin Assistant claimed she would speak to Barron about this issue and give me an answer Friday afternoon.

Let's all call again and remind them how much we want this to be voted on, okay? I don't want this thing to die again for lack of effort on our part. If it doesn't work, at least we will know who to blame...

The admin assistant's name that you will probably get is Louise, and the number is (334) 242-7858. Please call.

-corrected phone number
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