Al Gore's family link to pro-RKBA

Jim March

New member
Some of you may know about a weird little event in US history known as the "Battle of Athens, TN" from 1946.

If not, here's two links - it's a fascinating story:

The upshot is, election violence, ballot stuffing and other corrupt polling practices were met with massed gunfire by private citizens. Over 20 people wounded, none killed by some miracle, the Sheriff and other corrupt local bigwigs run out of town on a rail and the rule of constitutional law was restored after a pitched battle.

Here's where it gets good. It turns out the whole damn state of TN circa WW2 was massively corrupt. Classic "machine politics". Athens was just the first (and last) place a reform movement made up largely of returning GIs actually opened fire on the SOBs. After proving they'd do it once, they didn't need to again. Those GIs quite properly went unpunished, in large part because popular sentiment was with them.

Starting heavy around 1948 and continuing well into the 50's, many reformist politicians publicly linked themselves with the "GI reformers of Athens and the rest of the state".

One of them was Al Gore Sr.

See also the official state of Tennessee history page describing Gore Sr's role in all this at:

My, my, my. Our top gun-grabber ideologist knows personally and for certain that illegal and unconstitutional acts by the gov't CAN be met with citizen gunfire. It happened right in his back yard, directly affecting his own father who was publicly SUPPORTIVE of said gunfire and rode the political sentiment raised by it.


Got it?

Gore, Clinton and the rest of the wolves know *exactly* what they're doing, and here's proof.

Jim March
A lesson I'm sure was not lost on "Little Albert". The way to hold on to corrupt power is to disarm your foes.
