Al Gore trying to gain women voters.


New member
I was watching the news tonight and they were comparing the polls of women supporters for GW Bush and Al Gore. More women adhere to Bush, but as usual they have to show the liberal Al Gore, but I did get one heck of a laugh. It showed a breif scene of Al Gore ending one of his speaches in front of a womens organization. Just as his speach ended you could here Shania Twains song start to play, da daa daaa da daa da da "lets go girls". I about rolled out of my chair. What an idiot, HA HAAA HAA! Don't get me wrong I love Shania Twains music but I can't beleive he would stoop to that level. I guess you just had to have seen it with your own two eyes to enjoy it.
Face it, Gore is as good as gone.

Another faux pas by the statue from TN: You all know how much of an alleged environmentalist he is. Well, out near the E. TN, W. NC border, a couple of years before he ran for VP, there was some underhanded dealing with Champion Paper Mill allowing them to dump more of their waste into the Pigeon River. It won him some extra votes, but compromised his stance. Hmpf.

Exodus 22:2 -- Biblical precedent for home defense.
I hope that women don't "Adhere" to G W Bush the same way they "Adhere" to Slick Willie. ;)

Can't take any more scandals. :(

Geoff Ross

Damn!...I need more practice!
Pi$$ off the left, register to vote.

[This message has been edited by K80Geoff (edited October 07, 1999).]
This was on NBC news last nite..

They interviewed a young professional executive type woman who voted for Clinton twice and she states she will vote for Bush over Al. My problem was her rationale, rather trite and shallow...."Bush is so much more at ease and comfortable than Gore who is stiff and wooden". Nothing about political ideology and issues...
Gads...she's basing her vote effectively on who she'd rather date!

I suppose we should thank heaven for small favors, but what happens if Tom Cruise (or some acknowledged pretty boy) ever ran? Reminds me of Billy Crystal's Sat Night Live skit...."Better to look good than be good, dahling"

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!

I have heard the same thing from otherwise educated and intellegent women. I sincerely hope that the majority of women don't base their votes on whoever they would like to be their husband or boyfriend. What strange reasoning for deciding issues of importance!

Oh well! The more I learn about women, the less I understand them. Kind of shoots to heck the people who say that women are the same as men, only with different plumbing!