Akins Accelerator Decision v 2.0


New member
Well, it is official. Tom Bowers has posted the official ruling by the ATF that bans the Akins Accelerator. Here is the PDF.

Also, the ATF has issued another PDF that gives specific instructions to those who are in posession of an Akins Accelerator.

What do you have to say about that ?!
So the spring is the machine gun?

Well it does seem to make some sense, by removing the spring the user will have to supply the froward movement needed to fire the rifle again. So it will be semi-auto by every definition in the book.
I don't have an Akins Accelerator and really had no interest in getting one but I have to laugh at the "disposal" procedure. They want people, who are currently not on the BATF's radar screen, to send them the spring and sign a piece of paper stating that

1. You owned this device.
2. You know that this device is now classified a machine gun.

What exactly is the benifit to ANY person in doing this!?!? I would think it would be better to simply remove the spring and lock the whoel thing away, or dispose of it permanently, rather than do anything to attract the ATF's attention. You KNOW the ATF will maintain the list of all those 'evil gun nuts" who owned one of these things they will be #1 on the list for harrasement in the future.

Greatest lie ever told... "I am from the ATF and here to help you."
friggin' BATF!!!! This is a load of ShiITE!!!:mad:

I don't own one, but had looked over the design and idea and thought it was an ingenious "loophole" to the bump fire method used with hellfire type of systems. You can still get the crank style actuators from places like cabelas for under 40 bucks, but how long will it be before these are considered MGs ?
But the cranks require constant movement by the shooter. Best way I guess to tell if it is an MG or not would be to lock it down in a vise and pull the trigger back, what do you get?

In bump firing YOU are pushing or pulling something to make each shot happen, the recoil is resetting the trigger so you can pull it again with you hand on the front of the rifle.

The ATF did approve it and should be held to it.
Is the BATF authorized or funded to reimburse the owners?
If not, how can they seize private property of a product that was legal?

Sounds like a great class-action lawsuit...
Roy Jackson, that right there is my entire interest in this situation. I hate to say it, but I kind of agree with the final decision. The ATF's interpretation of the law makes sense to me when I read the official decision. It is a travesty, IMHO, that the people who bought these items are now out to the tune of $1,100 or more because they believed the ATF when they originally ruled the device to be legal.
1,100 bucks huh? Wow, if I was 18 do you know all the SKSs I could buy for that price and each one of them could be bump fired at full auto speeds. I just don't get why that type of stock is banned. It's not like it's changing the triggering/sear system at all. The gun still functions as a perfectly LEGAL semi-auto and still needs a seperate trigger pull for each round fired. Makes no sense to me. Guess I aint been on this earth long enough to completly understand lame gun laws that make no sense. What's next? ATF agents walking around gun ranges with machetes and cutting off anyone's hands for bump firing?
They want people, who are currently not on the BATF's radar screen,

They are on the radar screen big time. You think ATF didn't get a list of purchasers from Atkins? Not sending that form in is a good way to get a nocturnal visit from ATF.

What I don't understand is ATF is now allowing these people to possess a device that "...can be readily restored to shoot..." fully automatic with the replacement of a single spring. That still meets their definition of a machinegun.

NFA defines “machinegun” as “any weapon which shoots, is designed to shoot, or can be readily restored to shoot, automatically more than one shot, without manual reloading, by a single function of the trigger. The term shall also include the frame or receiver of any such weapon, any part designed and intended solely and exclusively, or combination of parts designed and ntended, for use in converting a weapon into a machinegun, and any combination of parts from which a machinegun can be assembled if such parts are in the possession or under the control of a person.”
The ATF did approve it and should be held to it.
This is the key, and I agree 100%.

While I think that their most recent decision makes sense, I think that it's reprehensible that they have reversed their initial decision. I abhor the idea that non-elected people have the power to criminalize/decriminalize objects.
This is total crap!!!

1st of all. The AFT could not obtain a customer list from Atkins without a federal investigation. The ATF cannot and will not just show up at your house demanding to see your firearms unless you are under investigation. You can be under investigation unless charges have been filed.

I've work the intelligence areans all my professional carreer. There is a law called Intelligence Oversight. It states that NOONE is allowed to collect intelligence on US Nationals or Citizens. The ONLY group of people that are authorized to do so is the FBI and then ONLY by appointment of a Judge.

If you have one, knowing what I know, I seriously doubt that the ATF is going to shoot themselves in the foot (especially with this administration if office) by going door to door looking for 'evil guns'.

The entire process with this is total ****... why dont people class-action the ATF on this process. How can you say it's ok..... then say no its not? Its like spanking your child for doing what you told them to do!! It's messup up!
Yup, I think it's total BS that the ATF ruled that the device was NOT a machinegun and could be legally sold. Then they turn around and change their ruling and force people who paid $1,000 for a stock to completely disable it without compensation. I hope they get their asses sued off for this one.
No, right now it's just the Akins stock that's illegal. That's not to say the ATF can't, or won't, change it's mind down the road... but at least the Hellfire doesn't cost $1,000.
They need to re-make the Akins stock with a seperate forward PG so the user can easily provide the forward motion by continuously pushing forward.

The ATF cannot ban people's non-dominant arm!
First off, the government can now conduct an investigation into a violation of the GCA (possessing unregistered machineguns) without any problem. I wouldn't be surprised if the manufacture has alreadly released a list of sales to the ATF, either as part of an informal deal to get the ATF to back off of them, or because they are going to have to account for the "machineguns" they manufactured.

I'd worry about the AFT knocking on my door if I had one of these things, and if I can't produce the spring (because of disposed of it in an unauthorized way), I worry about satisfying them that I did in fact get rid of it. There very well may also be a federal law governing the destruction of machine guns. I'm not sure. My state does regulate the disposal of firearms (handguns and NFA weapons).

As far as suing the feds for this classification, they have soverign immunity for one thing, and the regulatory process they go through to classify firearms very well may meet "due process" requirements, just like passing a law making something illegal would do.