AK47...? M16....? AR15...? Urban tactical

So, you've been asked before - if there's a long thread on this question, steer me there. Best urban assault protection piece ?(value counts...of course LesBaer makes great stuph...but who's got $1,900+ in the spare change account?)

I'm looking to offer 1 or 2 urban assault rifles with tactical blades (fixed and folders) and semi-autos when we open The Blayde'N Barrel after January 1st. Blade lines are set...semi-auto's are set.

For your close in (150 yards or less) skirmish, the AK47 being the weapon of choice? Taking it to 300-500 yards, an AR15?

If there's the "unknown super manufacturer" or source nobody seems to know about, list 'em here (ie. Rock River Arms)

The picture speaks for itself as to what I would choose any day of the week!

For those who might be curious:

Up top:
Pre-ban Oly Arms lower
FN Receiver
Wilson HBAR
Bushmaster retract. stock
Leepers sight rail
M3 Tactical Illuminator
Laser sight
Tasco PDP3 red dot scope
Magazine clamp
Colt bayonet

On bottom:
Bushmaster Y2K Limited lower
DPMS Complete A3 flattop upper HBAR freefloated
Bushness 6x18 50mm scope
I'm with Keith. With all that tactical, black nylon stuff, all I need now is a my Mall Ninja boots so I can walk up walls :rolleyes:

(There are few things that get me more than the overuse of the word "tactical." Paint it black, call it tactical, and then mark up the price 25 %)

My problem with all this is the fundamental question of, "What's the point?" What's all this stuff needed for?

Don't misunderstand: I'm happy for folks to buy this stuff, if they want black toys. I just can't see any point to spending the money on it.

As far as any PROBABLE urban defense needs, knowing how to quickly reload a single-shot shotgun will serve as well as any of these critters. That's been proven over and over, for well beyond a century.

I have yet to read of an instance in the last half-century or so where anything more than some handgun or most any kind of shotgun didn't prove sufficient for a homeowner to deal with Urban Bad Guys.

If you're talking about really urban, then I'll take a good pump shotgun.

I guess from among the choices you're wanting us to make, I'd probably take the AK-47 based solely on ammo and magazine cost.

Howling Moose.....you might be suprised at the level of experience of some here. Some even currantly active.

Hahaha... funny replies.

(waitta minute... am I confused? This is a fellow member looking to open up a new store, asking for advice as to which merchandise he is going to stock. Could be way off base and googly eyed from the reverend Beam, but I'm taking a shot...)

#1. I'm an AK guy. I bought it when I lived in an urban area (downtown Phoenix), so that would be my pick for the question at hand.

#2. That said. NICE collection USMCsilver! If I had that I too would be proud indeed. NICE.

#3. If I were a dealer, my choice would be the AR for several reasons. (and a reputable manufacturer with a good warranty). The debate will go on and on and on. If you get the AK, are you going to stock the 7.62x39 round (can't find these at many local gun stores in phoenix, believe it or not...)? Are you going to go with the Romanian NIB ones, the more expensive but used parts Bulgarian ones? The VEPRs?

If you go with the Bushmaster AR, seems like you have a pretty damn solid start. American made, with a warranty. Just don't recommend crappy mags.

#4. I don't know where things went awry but I'll take a blade over my right elbow or left jab any day of the week. Side story - I was messing around in a martial arts place out here in phoenix looking for some good focus mits... met a guy that teaches philipino martial arts there from cali. He was very skilled with a knife and even though I'm a big fella and know my way around Muay thai, some stickfighting and brazilian jiujuitsu, this smaller dude would have sliced 3 of me up had he had one of those blades. A good blade like those with some solid skills will take some animal meat out of someone. I could ramble on, but it suffices to say that layered defense is the best bet and I won't leave home without my spyderco endura.

#5. Personally, although I prefer the AK as my platform for the dusty desert, I truly believe that you can get more out of the AR platform, provided you have equal skills, use good magazines and maintain your weapon.

Friday Night Fights coming on... cheers! I'll always support the local guys first.
Hey USMCsilver,

There actually IS a rifle somewhere under all that hardware, right? Or are you just pulling our leg? :p
Art, Shssssh! Of course, you're right but don't tell my wife!

Dang it! I have enough trouble justifying my "black guns" without you blabbing about what will suffice. You are absolutely correct and I will take issue with anyone who disagrees with your point. A simple shotgun will suffice for almost anyone or any event that takes place.

However, I really love carrying my little Bushy 14.5" while walking the dogs or checking livestock, etc. I can whack a coyote or feral dog a lot farther out with it than my old cheapo 870. A few months ago I whacked my first truly rabid animal with it.

In that instance, my shotgun would have probably been a better choice--But I was carrying the Bushmaster because I LIKE to carry it.

A single shot shotgun would have served as well IF I were carrying it. I know me well enough to know I would not have been.

Take care of yourself, jack
...ahhh, to the point!

Thanks...well said and to the original point.

We've been selling blades for years...when 9/11 broke, Special Op's calls for MD knives flooded the maker - thanks to the former Commander in Chief (gag) seems the military issue recently is real "mall-foder"...
I guess most folks here like the jam-o-matic I read an artical somewhere on the web about thunder ranch and that it was a school where you tested your self and your rifles, according to it the ARs could not keep up. THey only like that rifle because it looks mean. But for urban the AK wins agianst anything hands down not the 74 but the 47. The 74 and AR15 shoot a bullet that is not good at penetrating thin plates of metal, the little 5.56 and 5.45 lose 35% of thier bullet mass and deflect going through windshields. The suck agianst brick. The main reason for knowing this is reading stories in Chechnya where Russian troops traded in thier 74 for the older 47. I heard some stories from U.S SF guys saying the penetration of the 5.56 sucked agianst brick walls ect... Don't worry though about urban tactical I doubt any of us will ever be in such a situation. Remember this is the biggest anti-AK board you mianly have bolt action and lever guys here who's idea of a SHTF weapon is an out dated 45-70 you can't hardley get ammo for. I am sure some one here will say shotgun is the best for urban. This is a false statement wieght of ammo,limited ammo,slow rate of fire, and slow reload time. You also gotta love those pimped out AR15 just like the pimped out SKS, worthless more parts makes moving quick harder. If you are going to use all that crap on an AR for the wieght you might as well be carrying an HK91 or FN-FAL or M1A. They are .308 which is not perfered because of the wieght and movement restrictions. Pimped out AR15, SKS, make great pictures and movies but thats about it. Even the AK with the scopes is not feasible. Bi-pods are useless once you learn to shoot with out one, with a 7.62x39mm, 5.56x45mm rifles ( though ok and feasible with .308 guns.) Anyway this is once agian fantasy talk for I hope and don't think anyone here will be in a urban situation.
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