AK training ??

Scott Evans

Staff Alumnus
After the first of the year I’ll be taking part in a training course that involves a full day segment with the AK-47. I have near zero experience with this weapon. I don’t own one so I have borrowed one. So far I hate it. It’s a pig. It’s heavy, clunky with sharp corners bad ergonomics and horrible sights. That said I want to get the most out of this training and intend to prep best I can and I will show up with the proper attitude. So … from those who know: where do I start with my “pre training” training?
Your friend has a poor example. The AK 47 can be an awesome platform. They are very intuitive I can shoot clay pigeons at 100 yards all day long with any of my AK/SKS.

I would suggest doing some practice with the magazines. They can be stubborn on a slapped together AK. With a "cheap" ak you can expect about 6 in pattern at 100 yards. With a good one using good ammo MoA is doable.

I would do some practice with some field stripping as well. Plenty of resources online for that.

Other then that the AK is simplicity in a beautiful form.
Get in shape and be prepared to hold the weapon up to your shoulder the entire day. That way you'll be in a better position to focus on what's being taught during the course.
I always found my AK's to be lighter, handier, and more shootable than my AR's, especially when realistically.

More than anything else, living with one for a little while will make the bad things go away. Youll be amazed at how much better they are with a little familiarization. Youll soon learn, you can work the selector and mag release with your hand on the grip with no troubles at all. The mags should also drop free without help, if you want. The sights actually work better than the peeps for close up fast shooting, and at longer ranges, will do fine. They arent "target" sights, but they are more than capable of decent accuracy.

Just like your AR's, when you shoulder the gun, get your head down and forward on the stock, with your cheek on the narrow portion and your nose at, or along side the top cover. Youll find that the stock really isnt "short", and the gun shoulders very naturally (assuming your buddy didnt screw up and put a NATO or US length stock on the gun).

A side mounted Russian web sling is really the only accessory you need. A good, forward mounted red dot will bring you into the 21st century right along with anything else so equipped, but really isnt necessary.
Reload manipulation is one of my biggest frustrations at the moment. Is it me or is the mag release tab too small for a rapid change? It also seems as if it sticks; sometimes popping free easily and other times it requires a great amount of force. As to spare mags; do you arrange your gear to carry rounds down and pointing forward or rounds down pointing to the rear? What is the proper motion / sequence in dropping the mag and reloading the next?
There is an aftermarket grip on the weapon that seems less than ideal for holding the weapon on target while reloading. The stock is of the folding variety; also seems less than ideal.
I intend to work with it daily so that fatigue does not become my issue.
I suppose I’m whining a bit being an old fart who has achieved a decent level of proficiency with AR’s and now I feel like I’m all thumbs.
I would

Sounds like you got wasr or other century Ak lol. I used to only like or prefer the Ar15, now I would be lost without my AK. I got used to the crappy safety/dustcover, then replaced it with a enhanced version by krebs. The mag well guide is next for sure. My Ak is a arsenal SAM 5s in 5.56 with a milled receiver, not made anymore and is more spendy then most AR rifles now. But like all quality guns its worth it, besides I just cant trust a 400$ wASR 10, all Ak's are not created equally just comparing the build of the two shows this. Plus the 5.56 has almost zero recoil in a milled Ak. I use a Kvar low scope mount that just barely sits above the receiver with a holographic sight that co witnesses with the iron sights. Only a quality Ak can do this properly, the cheaper ones have badly canted front sights that screws it all up, I also use a arpiture sight on the rear block. As for some preping I would practice reloads, normal type, the speed reloads slow me down as I sometimes miss one the mag removal by stripping it off with the new fresh mag. I am much smother with the old techniques. One thing to watch is when you go urban prone on your right shoulder is the charging handle, unlike the Ar it reciprocates and will do a diggin in the ground and screw you up. I prefer the 74 model to the 47 especially with the great break it uses, and a bump up in accuracy compared to the .30 cal round. Just simply use any plain carbine drills adapted to your AK. Careful switching shoulders, the AK hates the left side so it might bite ya when you do if not careful. And these pig AK rifles maybe plain and box like, but simply demolish the AR in reliability. Once you do get it the AK is a pleaser to many and if you pay for a quality one accurate in its own right. To me the milled is worth the extra pound, they just seem more accurate to me. Plus the milled guns are almost always better quality and look much better. Anyways I would walk around and practice my mag changes the most simply because all the AK disadvantages seem to culminate together when you do a change. The right sided charging handle and the rocking mag catch plus the fact the bolt doesn't lock on last round show this arms biggest disadvantage the mag change. Yeah the sight radius sucks but this can be fixed many different ways. Some people use galil safety systems because it gives you the grip safety, but it makes no big improvement to me, its all backwards and ocward to use to me. Try one. Just find the best way to use the stock one. Its hard to give pointers cause I have no clue on your experience with a carbine. If you have a good amount just adapt it.
Wish I could help more.
It also seems as if it sticks; sometimes popping free easily and other times it requires a great amount of force.
One thing you want to do to pretty much all of them, regardless of who made them, is take a jewelers file to to the mag release, and "lightly" break the sharp edges. The part is a stamping, and those edges tend to grab the tail on the mag, making it difficult to release.

If it is a WASR, you may also want to check the fit of the mags in the mag well. If the mags go in snug, you may want to open it up a tad.

You will probably want to hit the little "tit" on the back of the selector as well, and maybe the point on the receiver where they sometimes catch. This will also make the selector smoother and easier to use.

When you do mag changes, use your left hand (assuming your right handed). There is a malfunction that can totally tie an AK up, and it usually results from swapping mags with the right hand. What happens is, the "nose" of the mag isnt inserted fully, but just enough, that you can rock it back and lock it. Problem is, its not seated properly, and the rounds are now to low to be stripped by the bolt. Try and remove the mag, and it wont budge. Best way I found to get it out, is put the butt on the ground and kick it out. Its not a very common thing, especially if you load using your left hand, but it can and does occur.

I carry my mags "rounds up" and facing to the right in a chest bag. Ive found the tail on the mags wants to get hung up in a lot of the pouches and can cause problems. When you carry them "up", a quick pull has the mag in your hand and ready to go. After trying a bunch of different pouches, my favorites are still the three and four cell "ChiCom" chest bags. They are very comfortable, and very well made. A couple of bucks in plastic snap buckles, and its easier on and off.

I prefer the "standard" plastic type AK grip over most of the others. It aloows you do rerach the controls without really moving your grip, and is fine for controlling the gun during reloads.

Personally, I prefer the standard "fixed" stocks of the correct "Warsaw" length, over most of the folders. The Russian type "fixed" folders would be next, followed by the "wire" Romanian/German type. They are rock solid open or closed, and also the correct length. The wire type and fixed type are easily swapped out on most guns. The fixed folder and under folders are not. The under folders look cool, but I find them to be annoying.
There's a few techniques to reload the AK at speed, but they require a break in your process from an AR load. I don't have a ton of AK experience, but I prefer the reloads where my right hand, I'm right handed, stays on fire control. I use my left hand to retrieve a full mag, swipe the front of my fresh mag hard forward against the mag release tab and then rock the mag in firmly. Reach under the rifle with left hand and forcefully retract the charging handle to get a positive chambering.

I've seen people use their right hand to hold the bolt open and keep the rifle against their shoulder while reloading, but this always seemed awkward to me.

Another option is the work space reload. You keep the rifle at chest level, rotate it so the charging handle is away from you after you drop the empty mag, then draw and insert new mag and chamber by rotating the rifle charging handle up with your left hand. This reload is a bit more positive and deliberate, but it takes the rifle off your shoulder. It does allow you to keep your eyes scanning though and is probably best as a reload while behind cover or as an admin reload.

I hope all of those made sense they way I wrote them out.
I suppose I’m whining a bit being an old fart who has achieved a decent level of proficiency with AR’s and now I feel like I’m all thumbs.

Pretty much.
Open your mind a bit more and enjoy it. The AK is a masterpiece of engineering for what it was designed for.
Up until recently I had no experience with the AK47 and felt the same way - then I went on this hella cool military tour where I got to shoot AK47s for an entire day. My thoughts on this gun have changed completely changed. You will see it's much easier than you expect.
I dont think the AK sights are bad at all. Think of it this way, their the same sight you see when looking down the barrell of your pistol. Makes it easier when training

Maybe its me,but to me,shooting the AK left handed is better. Easier to recharge the charging handle with the right hand,instead of reaching under neath with the left hand
I lend you a beautiful AK and you talk bad about her..





She's perfect just the way she is..

I've fired one with the exact same setup as that and was not a fan. Mostly the folding stock is what killed it for me but i also did not like the vertical front grip at all.

To each his own but if you're starting off with an AK i would say use as close to standard as possible then modify as you see fit
Now don’t get your nose out of joint … I genuinely appreciate the loan! :)
I am however; in learning mode and I am honestly investigating this weapon with an open mind with the determination to acquire some real usable skills with it.
Initially I was thinking of purchasing my own but now I’m content to work with this one all the way through the class before I decide.
My reload mechanics are getting better but that is still not saying much … but I’ll keep at it. I still have yet to put rounds down range with it. Maybe I’ll get out back this weekend.
A thought keeps popping into my head as I work with this thing considering the emotions that some (no one here of course ) seem to have for the platform. I keep wondering if it could be the “The Emperor's New Clothes” effect?
I’m sure the weapon will eventually reveal itself … good or bad … dressed to kill … or naked.
This is sort of like learning another language. You cant "think" AR, and then try and translate it to "AK". It wont work to well, things will go slow, and youll get frustrated. You have to immerse yourself in "AK", and think in the language, and things will go much better.
AK103K … I’m with you on that. I’ve got the dang thing in my hands right now. I’m well past complaining. I’ve put myself into the mindset that my life depends on it. Then when the dust settles I’ll have an opinion on the subject that is worth more than first impressions.
Need some drills though.
Well the time is here … I’m Heading down to NOLATAC to do some training this week. AK and hand gun with Travis Haley. Should be fun! I’ve got some G-Code SWAG for the other shooters … so if you’re headed that way give a shout-out. I have been working a good bit with the AK and feel down right confident with it right now. At least I’m ready to take advantage of the training.
AK103K … you gave me the best advice in my preparations. Thank you much for that!