I am a bit confused, from your post I can only conclude that you are sold on anecdotal evidence that is refuted by science and, the experience of a medical doctor who is widely concidered the man to ask concerning terminal ballistics (and a doctor with a few years experience as a field surgeon in Vietnam). If you view the ability to operate your weapon under stress and time constraints as useful as last years snow then I question your objectivity. If the only thing that truly counts is the total reliability and mechanical strength of the weapon I would suggest the Martini-Henry rifle. As a falling block it has far less to break and greater mechanical strength and reliability than a repeater of any kind. If wound ballistics means nothing to you it can even be had in .22lr so you can carry copious quantitys of ammunition. I don't mean to piss in anyones pond, if your AK is your favorite pet then fine. As I said it will do, but it has its flaws. That was the question asked and the question I answered. Every chioce involves a tradeoff and limitations. In this case we have size, weight, cost, ease of use, reliability, avalibility of parts, availibility of ammunition, cost of same, range, power, accuracy, legality(for you California types), Etc... That is why I asked how survival was defined by the original poster. I don't want to start a flame war I would just like to discuss things objectively. Objective argument is fine subjective argument is counterproductive.