(AK) Fairbanks militia leader calls courts 'criminal', threatens troopers

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and the previous article that explains more of his beliefs:

Having not really researched state militia groups, how does Shaeffer Cox's personal beliefs compare to militia groups in the lower 48?
The little I have heard about militias in Alaska has led me to believe that they are made up of racists/white supremicists who have delusions of their worth to society.
The little I have heard about militias in Alaska has led me to believe that they are made up of racists/white supremicists who have delusions of their worth to society.

+1 on that. Wasn't this guy the annoying Ron Paul freakazoid I had to toss from the Arena premises in 2008?

With the gun laws we have up here, it's real hard to get arrested for a gun crime....:rolleyes:

WildmerryxmasspiffyAlaska ™©2002-2010
the guy has a pair. Nutty in the head, but he's got a pair.

I wonder what would happen with that same comment and stunt in other states?
The little I have heard about militias in Alaska has led me to believe that they are made up of racists/white supremicists who have delusions of their worth to society.

There's no indication that this person, as confused as he may be, belongs to the racist/white supremicist club. The implication that he does with no hard data to back it up is pretty petty and juvenile.
One can certainly be a jackass without being a racist, as this moron probably demonstrates. The idea that somebody who seems as off-kilter as Mr Cox here is allowed to carry concealed without any scrutiny is the downside of non-permitted CCW, as much as I love the policy in general.
The idea that somebody who seems as off-kilter as Mr Cox here is allowed to carry concealed without any scrutiny is the downside of non-permitted CCW


Your assumption that the scrutiny involved in a shall issue permit system would somehow eliminate the off-kilter (or freakazoid) element is not correct. Freakzoids with no records can get permits too. I've met some of them.

May issue systems tend to favor those with connections to those making the decisions,and work against those without. Generally the decisions don't have so much to do with the merits of each application as they do with the politics of the decision.
You know, this guy's beliefs got me thinking about something.

From the first linked article:
Cox claims he and all Americans are sovereigns, or kings and queens, and no one is required to obey laws unless not doing so would directly harm other sovereigns. Many of his claims center on the belief that President Abraham Lincoln subverted the original Constitution and replaced it with a copy that incorporated the United States.
OK, so if Lincoln replaced the original Constitution, this implies that the actions of the US government have been illegitimate since then. The US government purchased Alaska in 1867, after the end of the Lincoln presidency. Therefore, instead of making him a "sovereign", doesn't this make him a citizen of the Russian Federation? ;)
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CarGuyChris said:
OK, so if Lincoln replaced the original Constitution, this implies that the actions of the US government have been illegitimate since then. The US government purchased Alaska in 1867, after the end of the Lincoln presidency. Therefore, instead of making him a "sovereign", doesn't this make him a citizen of the Russian Federation?

That's funny right there. True, and funny.:D Somebody needs to tell him. He seems like an ideal Russian citizen to me. Let's take an offering and buy him a one way ticket.
- "calls courts 'criminal', threatens troopers"

- "I wonder what would happen with that same comment and stunt in other states?"

He'd be jump starting a recording career as a rap artist?
About a half-dozen supporters and members of the militia accompanied Cox at the hearing. Initially, militia member Ken Thesing spoke for Cox, calling himself Cox's representative and "counsel before God."

Sounds like there are at least seven nutcase freaks in that militia unit.
The guy shows up where someone "believes their rights are being violated". For what? If he's going to be an effective advocate for others he needs to keep his own stuff in order to the letter of the law.

Talk about mixing issues, he wasn't going to need a gun where there is a significant police presence in the first place.

Unfortuneately the guy isn't going to get any sympathy support from mainstream americans, even in Alaska.

You know what they say about picking your battles. If he isolated himself to getting out from under the simple misdemeanor without mixing issues he wouldn't have any appreciable problems.
Threads in this forum do not have to be gun related. This is not THR (.us or .org).

Threads do have to be related to a law or civil rights issue, however.

Not seeing any such critter in this thread ... Closed.
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