AK as a primary rifle?

Living in NY... I've never even held an AK.

But, from what I know about it, sure, I'd own a high quality AK as a primary rifle if I didn't have access to an AR instead. I think the AR gives you much better cartridge options, but the AK seems to work just fine.
In my opinion the primary rifle should be an accurate 22 LR in the action of your choice followed by a versatile pump shotgun in 12 gauge and a great semi auto handgun in 9mm or revolver in 357 mag. Then comes the centerfire rifle which could be an AK but preferably would be something like a scoped long range centerfire in a more serious hunting caliber like 308. If you will never hunt big game a Ruger PC carbine in 9mm or lever gun in 357 mag paired in the caliber of your primary pistol would be a less controversial choice. Use an AK or AR in a self defense situation and it will be used by the local DA to paint you as a Gun Nut and question your justification for shooting or even brandishing the gun. Just having an AK or AR for fun could be painted as a negative when the facts of a case are presented to a jury. Consider the McCloskey case from Missouri. Is your state governor going to intervene on your behalf? I think most of us would answer that question with an expletive phrase ending in NO WAY.


I would, I own a SLR-95 (AK Varient) it has been nothing but reliable and I have no doubt about its ability to stop two or four legged threats.

With the right ammo, I know that it also has the ability to harvest any animal in North America.

Living in CA, I've stopped worrying about what the government thinks about the types of guns that I own. If it was up to them, they would arrest you for not giving a criminal all your belongings. The poor criminal is "challenged" and needs all the help they can get, including yours!
For me, yes i would have no problem relying on an ak as my primary rifle, provided i had no other options. If the choice was between an ar and an ak, ar all day long.
With the right ammo, I know that it also has the ability to harvest any animal in North America.

And so does the .30-30. And that is, essentially, what the AK round (7.62x39) is. Nearly .30-30 performance from a semi auto with 30 rnd mags. (where legal).

No AK would be my choice for my primary rifle. The stocks don't fit me well, the sights aren't great, the triggers aren't that good, and both the rifles and the ammo rarely show the level of accuracy I prefer.

Add to that, personal history and distaste, as the AK was the gun bad guys pointed at me in the days when I served Uncle Sam.

I've owned them, shot them, and for what I want and need, the AK just isn't the best choice. And, especially at today's ridiculous prices.
The AK is my primary rifle...especially if I travel to other countries that use them as its main battle rifle.

"The Rarest Military Rifle in The World: The Russian AN-94" --- On YouTube

Sorry...I can't get the YouTube link to work.
While it isn't my personal choice, I can't choose an AK even were I inclined, because, in my state, unless you owned one before the last round of gun control laws went into effect, you can't own one now. You can't buy one, and if you own one, you cannot sell it in the state. Same applies to the magazines for such guns.

The law is, of course under challenge in court, but with the near complete shutdown of the court system for things that weren't violent crimes during COVID, added to the general glacial pace of challenges to laws on principle it will likely be some years before there is even a lower court ruling on the law.

I'm talking state level law here, exclusive to my state of residence, a fine place where our governor kept his authorized 30 day Emergency Powers for 632 days before officially giving them up. :rolleyes::mad:
To me having and shooting an AK is just plain fun, and a sense of owning a classic--like having 1911(s). I can live without both, but it sure is fun having them. In case of zombie apocalypse I prefer whatever is in reliable operational order and I have a massive quantity of ammo available for.
The AK was my primary rifle for 10 years (it may still be, IDK) and I chose it because there was a time that buying into the platform and buying ammo was cheaper than the AR and also, probably more reliable. When the cost to get into an AR went down I of course chose to build one for far more than I could have bought a budget one, but it was built to what I wanted, namely no FA and an Mlok rail.

Much preferred having a scope, not that the AK's irons don't work out to typical distances. I don't shoot either enough, but once I get them sighted in there's not much left to do with them at that point.

My advice to anyone starting out today would be skip the AK, the cost to get into decent ones is far too high. I like the 7.62x39 so long as it's still cheap, but you can get other rifles that shoot it more accurately than the AK can, namely the Ruger bolt action and PSA AR that uses AK mags.

Honestly, the $700 you'd pay for that PSA rifle is still less than what it costs to get a good AK now and you still have a huge aftermarket parts selection to make it even better than any AK could be.
I have a few AR’s In both 7.62x39 and .223, and I have my old Norinco AK from the early 80’s. Plus my Ruger Mini14 tactical, so I almost have all my bases covered, just need to get a Mini30 and I’m completely covered. Caliber wise I’ll take 7.62x39 all day long, it’s literally my favorite caliber. Within any range that’s practical for me, out to 200yds, I’ve taken good sized Northern deer with it no problem. As far as accuracy my Norinco AK has been capable of ringing a 12” plate at 300 yds with iron sights shooting Russian ammo back when I had good eyes around 30+ years ago, unfortunately it cost me the price of a new plate for the club due to the damage it did to the plate. My current AR and the Mini30 I used to have both shoot under 2MOA at least to 200yds which is more than sufficient to do the job.
Owned a few years ago, but not even the Hungarian SA-85M was special enough to stay in my possession.

Like others have said, if it was my only option, I could rely on it, but given a choice, it's unlikely to be at the top of the list.
I have a few AR’s In both 7.62x39 and .223, and I have my old Norinco AK from the early 80’s. Plus my Ruger Mini14 tactical, so I almost have all my bases covered, just need to get a Mini30 and I’m completely covered. Caliber wise I’ll take 7.62x39 all day long, it’s literally my favorite caliber. Within any range that’s practical for me, out to 200yds, I’ve taken good sized Northern deer with it no problem. As far as accuracy my Norinco AK has been capable of ringing a 12” plate at 300 yds with iron sights shooting Russian ammo back when I had good eyes around 30+ years ago, unfortunately it cost me the price of a new plate for the club due to the damage it did to the plate. My current AR and the Mini30 I used to have both shoot under 2MOA at least to 200yds which is more than sufficient to do the job.
So to cut through all the rambling, I’d be perfectly happy with my AK as my only centerfire rifle, that’s why it’s the only rifle I’ve kept for 40+ years while I’ve sold or traded every other rifle.
Primary rifle for what? To be clear, I really like them.

But almost none of us live in eastern or southern Ukraine or Kurdistan (near ISIS).

My AKMs have been consistent fun for my imaginary “wannabe special ops warrior” plinking at clay pigeons.
Don’t forget a somewhat similar (externally) rifle: my Czechpoint VZ-58 has used 4,100 rounds since nib— Zero issues.

But that’s the extent of my imagination…..Don Shipley will never be wanting to call me.;)
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My old knees means overwatch is the only role I might be useful for... and for that I'd really prefer something other than an AK variant. :D
I have a Pioneer Arms AK that came with a scope mount on it from the factory and a surprisingly light trigger. I can't say it is extremely accurate but I could keep my shots on a paper plate at 100 yards. I had a Romanian AK about 20 years ago and it wasn't any more accurate. Although the AK is loads of fun I feel (do to caust of ammo and AKs being extremely expensive now) that an AR platform chambered in something like one of the 6.5s would be better. Not that the AK can't handle most jobs but for me personally I just don't feel it has the accuracy for a primary rifle. But then again I don't know what you are using your primary rifle for. I have come to the realization that there isn't really a perfect caliber or platform for every job or person. If a person is proficient with that platform it will probably do the job. With in the calibers limitations.
No AK. I can accept sks as it took part briefly in WWII fighting the Nazi.

Rifle that I would go to when disaster hits. Is what primary rifle means? It used to be m1 carbine. Now it is AR in 5.56. I have barrels or uppers for other calibers. Why so? The ammo is the cheapest to load. Flexibility of the AR platform is unbeatable. Pick the best tool for the job. Romanticism / nostalgia doesn't help. I have none towards AK anyway.


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I'd echo the question of primary rifle for what purpose? While the AK is a very good rifle for some applications, it ranges anywhere from mediocre to abysmal for others. For example, for a farmer or homesteader wanting something to keep vermin out of the garden, an AK will certainly work but there are other, better choices. For a guide in Alaska wanting something to hunt and/or defend against large and dangerous animals an AK is a rather poor choice.

The AK was designed as an anti-personnel rifle and, for that purpose, it works as well as it ever did. I would certainly not feel under-armed with an AK as a rifle for home defense/life and liberty/TEOTWAKI/Red Dawn/Zombie Hordes or whatever other similar scenario you'd like to envision and I'd say that if you already have an AK for that purpose, you're well armed and I see no pressing need to replace it. As a general purpose rifle the AK also isn't a terrible choice as it retains its anti-personnel capability and the 7.62x39 cartridge offers enough power to make hunting of up to whitetail deer-sized game practical (though an AK wouldn't be my first choice for that particular task for a variety of reasons).

That being said, the current market makes the AK a less attractive option that in was 10-15 years ago. The days of the sub $400 AK rifle and $0.10/round 7.62x39 ammunition are over and doubtful to return. For a decent AK these days you're looking at a minimum of $600-700 with $800+ being fairly common. Also, due to inflation and world events, 7.62x39 ammo, while not rare or particularly expensive, is nowhere near as cheap and widely available as it used to be (and 5.45x39 ammo is both rare and expensive now). While AK's in 5.56 NATO/.223 Remington are certainly available (I happen to own one) they're not cheap, not as common as those in 7.62x39, and decent magazines are rarer and more expensive.

Honestly, I was not a fan of the AR-pattern rifles for a long time and they still don't particularly excite me. That being said the combination of the rifles becoming so common and inexpensive, 5.56/.223 being the last relatively affordable centerfire rifle cartridge, easy ability to swap uppers to different barrel lengths and calibers, and wide availability and low cost of parts and accessories (particularly good mags like Magpul PMags) makes some flavor of AR-15 the rifle I'd recommend for a first/only/general purpose rifle.

I guess that in 2023 I'd put the AK in the same category as most other non-AR semi-automatic rifles like the Ruger Mini-14/30, Tavor, HK-33/clones, Steyr AUG, and the like: If you already have one and plenty of mags, ammo, and other accessories then you don't really need to throw it away or run out and get something different, but if you're looking to buy a new rifle for life and liberty an AR of some sort is probably the most economical and practical option.
Never been an AK person. Most seem to have a decent enough reliability reputation.
I’d say if you want one really bad or already own one, then go for it. From what I have surmised about them, if you have a good one, then go for it.

I used to never push ARs, but these are the days when a good AR can be had for a few hundred bucks, there’s no reason not to own an AR. There are many caliber choices too.