AK 75 Round Drum Magazines


New member
I am looking into buying a 75 round AK drum. I have read that some of the Romanian's load from the top and are always under tension if loaded. I read that the Chinese style can be stored fully loaded and then "wound up". I like this idea, in theory. Then I found this:


I would like a Norinco drum magazine, but the prices strongly deter me. Does anyone have any experiences with the Romanian "winders"?. If it performs well, I'd be very happy with that price. Can someone compare the performance, lifetime, reliability, etc for:

1)Top loading Romanian
2)Romanian "Winder"
3)Norinco "Winder"
The Romanians are the same pattern as the original Russian drums. I haven't seen them much cheaper than the chinese pattern drums that Bulgaria started importing last year.

I think every AK should have one, but as a practical thing, 3 30's in a pouch are alot easier to use and you end up with more ammo that way. Plus, 30 rd mags are cheaper than 1 drum.

I've heard of Korean, Bulgarian, and Romanian winders but never a chinese top loader.

In theory, you should be able to use a speed loader and SKS strippers to loas the russian style drums, but I never tried it.
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