AK-47 variants

SAR differences are in caliber. SAR-1 is 7.62x39; SAR-2 is 5.45x39, SAR-3 is .223. The WASR is 7.62x39 whose receiver accepts either single- or double-stack 30-round mags; the stock is SVD style. Romanian-made BTW.
Just off the top of my head: the SAR-1 is 7.62 russian, and the SAR-3 is .223 remington.

I'm not an AK expert (don't own one, only shot a few) but I was doing a little research for a friend on AIM Surplus' webpage...

I aint an expert either, but I did a bit of research before buying one...

The definitions of the SAR models are correct (that's what I got.)

The other variants are made in different countries. Each country has their own name for their AK. For example:

MAK is made in China
MAADI is made in Egypt, etc.

The exception is the WASR, which is also Romanian, like the SAR. WASR's were originally designed to take single-stack magazines only (low capacity, 5-10 rounds). To further confuse things, some have since been converted to take the standard double-stack magazines.

The finished AK's all function pretty much the same. The differences are in the manufacturing processes and the finishes. There are endless debates about which is really better.

There are forums for each main type of AK at
