AK-47 used in shoot out!!

MyGunsJammed writes:
And he missed.....

The story says that, of the three invaders, two immediately fled and the gun-wielding third assailant may have been hit.

MyGunsJammed then writes:
too bad he couldnt kill them all...

Keep that talk up and you're unlikely ever to get your AR & AK.
First question any time a story of this type appears is to ask, "Was it really an AK-47 or was it an AK pattern?" Media is notorious for getting simple facts completely wrong.
Why? if someone armed invades my home armed and shoots my house up, why can't I kill him?

I think I may be able to answer that for you...

Of course you can, my response would be 1)shoot to stop the threat, not shoot to kill the suspect. If the end results are the same, meaning the threat is stopped and the suspect is fatally shot, then that to me was the result.
You came across as your first response would be to kill the intruders, and while me and you may mean the same thing, just stated it differently, it came across as some gun-toting redneck that the anti's would love to use as ammo.

Just my thoughts.
In virtually every state you are permitted to use deadly force against an unlawful intruder inside your own home. Florida now has very robust protections for residents who use deadly force within the home (or car).

It's the palpable salivation over shooting people that I find distasteful.

Also: Each time I have purchased a gun here in RI I do in fact recall having to sign a form to the effect that I have never behaved in a threatening manner with/around firearms. [I'll try to get a copy of the questionnaire for your perusal the next time I'm at the lgs]. Verbal threats are included on this document.

Talk on a gun board is cheap. But I think that it is just wise council to avoid this sort of "shoot 'em all" cheerleading on these gun boards. If you feel like indulging in that kind of talk, save it for private, unrecorded times at the club or in the lair with your friends.
^ Well said. There is, however, a useful scope of merited applause for a lawful person defending his or her family and property as such to encourage others to similarly resist the predations of crime, not as a source of pleasure but a reaffirming of the value of fortitude and the prevailing of good over evil.
Shoot to stop. A mortally wounded BG who kills you, a family member, or a friend before he dies doesn't do anyone much good.

Stopping the attacker is the goal. Keeping you, your family, and your friends safe matters more than killing, severely wounding, barely wounding, or simply scaring away the BG.
Home Invasions are becoming more and more prevalent! Another reason the Swat Teams need to insure they have the right address!:D

Yet another reason , Gun control just disarms the people and not the Animals in the World.

If people would just stand up a little more for them selves like this, the bad man would think twice before taking actions to take your toys and money!

I love stories like this!
Now that I think of it, I would probably never use an AR-15 or an AK47 as a home defense rifle....

The rounds are too powerful, and would penetrate the walls and possibly injure my neighbors....

I'll probably stick to a 9mm or .45ACP pistol with hollow points

or just use a 12 ga shotgun loaded with shells powerful enough to take down a 200 lb BG, but not penetrate the walls of my house
i cant vouch for this but....


Fact: Evidence increasingly shows that 5.56 FMJ rounds like M193 and M855 are not the over-penetration risk they have often been though of as. In interior wall tests, 5.56 rounds have less wounding potential after wall strikes than any common 9mm or above handgun ammunition and/or 00 Buck shotgun loads.

You always have to worry about it, of course, but even FMJ 5.56 rounds will have less wound potential after penetrating a wall than even 9mm handgun rounds. Generally after passing through an interior wall or two, 5.56 bullets will have lost enough velocity that resulting wound damage would be greatly diminished. It should be noted, however, that all of the above bullets are still potentially deadly to those on the other side of a wall, so plan accordingly. Interior walls are concealment, NOT cover.

Opinion: Generally high velocity rifle rounds fragment so readily that over-penetration in an urban (indoor) setting is LESS dangerous than with handgun or submachinegun rounds like 9mm, 10mm, .40S&W, etc. 5.56 FMJ rounds will do more penetrating than JHP and JSP rounds but still are generally safer for interior use- insofar as bystanders are concerned.

Fact: Interestingly enough, in FBI Firearms Training Unit tests show that submachinegun and handgun rounds penetrated more on average than .223/5.56mm rounds in typical interior construction and tissue.

Q. Isn't 5.56 too dangerous to use indoors? Shouldn't I use a pistol or shotgun instead?

Virtually any kind of ammo, with the exception of light bird shot, will easily penetrate typical wall construction (two layers of wall-board separated by 3 to 4 inches of space). Testing has shown, however, that after penetrating a typical interior wall, a 5.56mm projectile will have less wounding potential than most common handgun or buckshot loads. This is true because the low mass of the bullet sheds velocity quickly, and velocity is its key wounding component. This doesn't mean that 5.56mm ammo isn't still potentially deadly, but that the severity of an injury is likely to be less from a 5.56mm bullet than from a 9mm, .40, .45, or #00 buckshot round. What is important is not the degree to which these rounds penetrate, but their "ex post lethality" or their lethality AFTER encountering wallboard or other cover/concealment.

The difference is so significant that the FBI and other ballistic experts recommend that law enforcement transition to handguns to "dig suspects out" of cover because of the superior penetration and wounding ability of handgun rounds over 5.56 or .223.

This, along with the increasing number of lawsuits from "friendly fire" submachine gun victims and 5.56mm's ability to penetrate ballistic vests, are some of the reasons that many SWAT teams are transitioning away from the 9mm MP5 and selecting 5.56mm carbines instead.

This is understandable given the longer barrel length and therefore higher velocity and consequently higher penetration of handgun rounds in submachine guns.

If our experience on the forums are accurate, most shot gunners and submachine gun fans receive this news poorly. It does seem counterintuitive since 5.56mm is a "high powered round." All we can say to this is that the FBI FTU fired hundreds of rounds through carefully constructed wall sections and then into gel. Ignore these results at your own peril.