AK-47-toting thug and pals get jail time for terrorizing campers

So they walked into a camp site, shot their weapon and were complete moron? Did they shoot at anyone?

If I read correct, they are stupid, and should not be near a firearm, but not 3 years...

Assault with a deadly weapon, criminal terroristic threats, reckless endangerment, carrying a firearm in the commission of a crime...

Yeah, that's worth three years.
Threatening rape and murder whether with or without a firearm sounds more like a good reason to get shot than to spend time in prison. Too bad the campers could not be legally armed.
Assault with a deadly weapon, criminal terroristic threats, reckless endangerment, carrying a firearm in the commission of a crime...

are you the DA?

1. Who did they hit or strike? as·sault a sudden, violent attack:
2.terroristic threats, well I guess you got me by definition, but inthis day in age, minutemen on the mexican border are classified as domestic terrorist. "I would have to say in this day in age the term is way overused
3.carring a firearm in the act of stupidity...

Look I am not trying to defend these morons, only point out that we all make mistakes, and they were kids to boot. Now if their history is that of "assault" or other acts, or anthing that shows them to be "thugs", by all means "let them rot"

but if this is a first offense, slap them scare the crap out of them, punish them. 3 years? Now your making criminals.

My .02

You don't have to hit someone to commit an assault. All you need do is put someone in reasonable fear of imminent harm. If you shoot a weapon at or near someone or threaten them with it, that's Assault with a Deadly Weapon.

This wasn't any "mistake". It was a series of deliberate actions that took place over several hours. They had plenty of chances to stop but never did. It wasn't kid stuff and these guys weren't kids. Here's hoping they come out of prison a little smarter than they went in. Maybe a little group sphincter-stretching will teach them to be a little more respectful of others next time.
This wasn't any "mistake". It was a series of deliberate actions that took place over several hours. They had plenty of chances to stop but never did. It wasn't kid stuff and these guys weren't kids. Here's hoping they come out of prison a little smarter than they went in. Maybe a little group sphincter-stretching will teach them to be a little more respectful of others next time.

I don't claim to know all the facts....and I wasn't there......It done, they'll do their time no matter what is said here.

Now that's funny!
3 years was not enough

I am not trying to defend these morons, only point out that we all make mistakes, and they were kids to boot.
You misread it. There were 5 adults and one 16 year old teenager. The oldest adult was 38 years old, married, has 2 sons. They threatened to rape then kill a grandfather, mother, and young boy. The woman said they crudely described what they were planning to do to her and her father. Too bad some of them weren't shot that night. That would have been more appropriate.

Nope, I'm not the DA.

Do you, however, have ANY concept of definitions of law?


Didn't think so.

The term criminal terroristic threats has been on the books since long before September 11.

Try googling the definition.

Assault with a deadly weapon requires NO physical contact.

Try googling the definition.

Yes, everyone makes mistakes.

There's little mistakes, like scratching the paint on a neighbors car.

There are middle ground mistakes, like punching someone in a bar in a drunken brawl.

Then there are BIG mistakes, like getting involved with a bunch of idiots, drinking some beer, then deciding that you're going to grab some guns and go scare hell out of the bunny huggers.

Guess what?

In all three cases, you PAY for your mistakes, as this group is now finding out.

Actions have consequences, and alcohol is not a positive defense before the law.
Maybe a little group sphincter-stretching will teach them to be a little more respectful of others next time.

Stagger Lee, that was completely inappropriate. I am frankly offended.

The attitude shown by that comment is unprofessional. It is a discredit to law enforcement and corrections officers everywhere.

Condoning a system where stronger predators are rewarded by being able to satisfy their sexual perversions, undermines public confidence in the penal system.

You need to apologize.
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Irwin you need to chill, I'm done with this thread,

I don't claim to know all the facts....and I wasn't there......It's done, they'll do their time no matter what is said here.

read a little higher up next time, or keep being that commando, that feels personally attacked, and has to respond. Have a nice day! Mr. Sensitive

Hey, here you go.

Three kids who made a mistake.

Let's not taint their entire lives because they were kids being kids and made a mistake, right?

" POTTSVILLE, Pa. (AP) -- Three teens were ordered Monday to stand trial in the beating death of an illegal immigrant from Mexico after a friend of the defendants testified that the victim was sucker-punched and kicked in the head during a late-night, epithet-filled melee.

The rest of the story here:

lol....oh yea here we go let's twist things.....I given up ,,,you beat me.....ouch..ouch , you proved your point! Go puff out your chest somewhere else..