ak-22 full auto?

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dean gulbery

just wondering if anyone knows how to make an ak-22 rimfire rifle "which is .22 caliber" but looks like an ak-47" full auto? if you have any knowledge or ideas i would appreciate it.
No one on this forum knows how to do that sort of thing...even if they did no one would tell you how to make one...you could purchase one that was made before 1986 because it is highly illegal. I'm sure it'll be pretty expensive then you have to pay the 200 dollar tax. If you're talking about owning an AK that shoots .22 that is a semi auto, that is legal.
Step One: Get gun

Step Two: Modify to full auto

Step Three: Go to Federal "Ram me in the ass" prison for oh, say 23 years

Step Four: Never touch another gun as long as you live
You know what I don't get?

Why is it that these morons come around, at least one every other week, asking how to make a semi into a full auto? They always have very few posts, on the order of 1 or 2, and they never go into detail.

Reminds me of the Shotgun News add for auto-sears. Just mail your ssn# to Arlington Virginia. Maybe a JBT who wants to try out the department's new tracing software? :rolleyes:
Why would you want Full auto anyway?

My first post, but I've viewed many here, trying to find info on various firearms.

Full-Auto is overated. It looks Cool in Hollywood movies, and that bank robbery in LA, but it only waists ammo. Don't believe me, watch the news channels as they show fighting in our current war. Pop, Pop, Pop, etc...

Controlled fire, single shots, are far more effective than spray and pray!

Learn how to shoot your gun accuratly, not foolishly

If you want a full auto, you need to buy one that was made and registered with BATF prior to 5-19-86 - it will transfer via a Form 4 from a C3 dealer in your state or from another individual in your state. There are a small number of registered .22 AKs on the registry so if you have the funds you could buy one, but last I saw the prices for one were in the $6-7k range.
Not Actual Advice, Don't Try This At Home, Etc, Etc

Some people(usually named Bubba for some reason:confused: ) say all you have to do is*best redneck voice*,"File da sear"...:rolleyes: :D :barf:
JeepJohn, Welcome, and we know that ; ) At least most of us do. Machine guns and full auto are used mainly for supression. It keeps the enemy's head down while you are moving. It makes for good cover fire. When you want accuracy, you do 3 shot burst...or my favorite...single shots.
For real .22LR auto fun you need one of these with a registered M16 receiver. Mmmm belt-fed .22LR.


I had an AR-7 survival rifle with a 25 round banana clip that would sometimes go full auto when you least expected it. Real fun, but put some weird looks on the guys shooting next to me at the range.:D :cool:

The 22.LR M-16, how much is it, if it's belt fed what is the purpose of the magazine well on the bottom if any, and do you still need a permit for the full auto since the website said something about not a firearm and not a reciever? Something to that effect.:cool:
The LM-7 is just a .22 beltfed upper for an AR15 or M16 lower. It'll work on either type lower, so if you want a full auto one, you'll need to first find and buy a registered M16 lower (about $9-10k for a non-Colt conversion, much more for an original factory Colt gun). The LM-7 has not been released for public sale yet, but will be soon (Lakeside Guns was waiting on an approval from BATFE). The pre-release introductory price was $1750, but it may have increased if you didn't get a deposit in on the first batch. I already have a deposit on one and can't wait to get my hands on the thing. From what I've heard from people who have seen and handled it at the SAR show and Knob Creek, its a well designed and made piece. Basically a Browning 1919 action adapted for use with a hammer, and mounted on the AR15/M16 receiver.

What Lakeside was referring to about it not being a firearm or receiver on their website is just the upper. there was some speculation BATFE may define just the upper as a firearm, so to buy just the upper you'd need to fill out a 4473. Additionally, were that the case, if you had the Lakeside upper unit and wanted to cut the barrel down to below 16", you'd need a separate registration for the upper as an SBR - another $200 tax. It had nothing to do with the host lower not being needed to be registered as a machinegun. Fortunately BATFE approved it as a non-firearm, as any other AR15/M16 upper.

I bet with an H-bar and some time behind the trigger, you'll be able to right your name with it within a week:cool: for you, :( for me....lol

One of these days I am going to take you up on the offer(if it still stands) to head up there and shoot your toys, especially once you get that upper:D .
I suggest you a KKMPi 69 is a cal 22 Ak-47 full auto made in DDR


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