Airweight won't rust right.

Alloy means just that - a mixture of several metals, including probably steel. In addition, while the barrel shroud is not steel, the barrel itself is and can rust. All firearms should be taken care of diligently or they may not take care of you when the time comes.
The frame won't rust, but the barrel, cylinder, trigger, and cylinder latch all can rust if not taken care of properly.


The "alloy" in an alloy framed S&W includes no steel in the mix.

In fact, I don't think steel and aluminum can be melt-mix alloyed.
Don't forget, metals that cannot rust can still corrode. Anyone that has been in an area that salts the roads is sure to have seen an aluminum wheel get that white junk growing all over it. That's corrosion and it's aluminum's way of rusting.
Ocala is more humid than even the

the treasure coast.:D It would be prudent to wipe down the exterior of the steel parts that were outlined at least weekly. I use Sheath, but there are other products. If you see any brown coming off on your cleaning patch, that's the start of rust your naked eye can't see. Increase the frequency of your wipe-downs accordingly.:)
Greeting's All,

A friend and co-worker carries A Smith N'
Wesson model 12 daily; and he reports that
the maintenance level is rather high, in
the hot humid conditions of the southeast.
He wipes the model 12 down after each use,
with a silicone cloth.

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member