Airsoft Shooting Competition in Illinois


Hey, I'm a real steel shooter, running a M1A in practical rifle, but I also host airgun shooting competitions.
Come out of the cold and check it out!

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The games are scored the same way as for firearms.
By where the holes are in paper and cardboard targets and reactive targets that get knocked down.
They are not all cheap toys. My Son and his friends are into Air Soft big time.
I think with the Cost of his gun and a bunch of upgrades he has about a Grand in one.
Yea he is young enough and has not had to change his life to buy diapers yet.
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Can you guys recommend a good forum for airsoft? I just picked up a GBB and I've got some questions.
I completely agree with the amount of money invested, I have spent way to much, but that's how it goes with all toys.

As for the questions; this will be more laid back (not less safe) compared to the practical rifle events I've attended.
My group of people are used to slinging bbs at each other, so this is a bit of a transition.

We'll be using cheap Wal-Mart stopwatches, and our targets are sheet steel knock-downs.
I would like to score by shot placement, but I didn't want to have to paste targets after each run.

Another issue is some players are coming with guns setup for cqb games against people; their limited velocity might cause issues punching though the cardboard targets I've seen at real competitions. They'll have no issues tipping my targets over.

As to forums, almost all us-based airsoft forums are dead, as games and teams move to Facebook.
The most active that I'm on is, but it's pretty dead.
I think some of the UK or world based forums are pretty busy, but I'm not a member of any.
If you want to invest in an inexpensive timer that has an external jack, then the last knock down steel target can stop the timer.
All that's needed in two runs of wire to the target that plug into the timer jack.
I have one rigged up that way and it works well for either an all steel course of fire or one with mixed targets.
An easy way to time without a hassle.
They're around $100 to $130 depending.