Airsoft gun combat

dent guy

New member
I saw an article in my issue of G&A today that featured replica, electric full auto platic bullet guns. Does anybody do this, and how can I get into it. I really enjoy team-based paintball wargames, so it looks pretty interesting. Any thoughts would be helpful.
all i know is that its an expensive thing to be into but it does look really cool.
i would be interested in some info too.
Here is a link: Airsoftzone. "X-ring" under the link area is a pretty good place to find some news. Those stuff are 1:1 scale and most of them even have exact trademark here in the US. They fires 6mm plastic BB (not those .177 that most of us familar). They are usually half the weight as the really things. They are really low power stuff, too (it can be quite powerful after some simple modifications, but it's still less than a simple BB gun from Walmart :( ). Most of them can fire full auto, that's a pretty economical alternative for full auto fun here in the US.

PS: make sure to check out those heavy artileries:



[Edited by Spatula on 01-08-2001 at 11:37 AM]
I play airsoft, and own quite a few guns. Most notable are:


And yes, these are 1:1 scale replicas, and in most cases, can use the same accessories the real steel can (e.g. scope mounts, optics, etc.). Airsoft is another alternative to paintball, in which you really want to go for that "tactical" look. Sure beats running around the forest in dayglo clothes with a length of pipe and a hopper in your hands. :P Also, airsoft ammo is much, much cheaper than paintballs, and hurts less.

However, there are some drawbacks. First off, airsoft BBs don't have as much energy as a paintball does, and usually do not fly as far. You rely on the backspin of the BB to "loft" them the last couple yards to the target. Since BBs do not leave a visible impact mark, calling hits is a little harder than paintball, and there is room for cheating in airsoft games. This can be alleviated by playing with friends you trust (no "walk-ons"). Third, since airsoft looks so very real, you must be extremely careful where you brandish your weapons. Already, the TV is flooded with news of kids being shot because the police mistook their airsoft guns as real weapons.

If you wish to learn more info, check out the following links:
My gawd! We're becoming like the Japanese who can't own real guns and have to play with airsofts. OK, I admit I have a Russian AK-74 BB gun which is made by the same factory which makes the real AK-74. They used real parts (barrel, forearm, sights, receiver cover, stock, along with a modified receiver and magazine and cleaning rod) to make this thing. Darn if you won't get shot by some cop if you're running around on the streets with it.
Mine was a...

MP-5 PDW copy that we had at the gunstore I worked in. I never actually bought it but I shot it to death. Our H and K rep would actually drive in from Atlanta(about an hours drive) to play with it. He brought the hide out harness for the real weapon and ,of course, it fit perfectly. These guns are accurate, too. You know those big hanging Glocks you see in gun stores? I put a full mag through the open triggerguard (about 2 inches)"full-auto" one day from about 15 feet. There were little white BBs rolling around on the floor for months. They ain't cheap, though.
Me and my buddies got them. Great for plinking in the garage.. You can also shoot the 6mm paintballs out of them.

I have the spring loaded M-16 full size. Shoots about 70 feet pretty accruatly. I refuse to let my buddy shoot me with the damm thing. These 6mm plastic balls will pennitrate a cardboard box, aluminum can, plastic bags, etc..

You can pick up the spring loaded ones for a very reasonable price. Just search on the internet for Airsoft. A ton of links will come up.
I play airsoft, or at least used to when my school/work scheduled allowed, and it was a great deal of fun. I enjoyed it much more than paintball for several reasons. First, the weapons are one to one scale so I don't feel like I'm running around with a water gun. Second, I can charge the battery that powers the gun at home, so I never have to charge my CO2 or compressed air tank. BBs are far cheaper and the field I played at usually let us play for free as long as we stayed out of their way. Third, play is much more realistic than paintball because effective range is much greater than paintballs due to much greater accuracy. Firepower is greater and carrying a second gun as a backup is common. Also, you can get an airsoft gun in just about every military arm of the 20th century, although some are harder to find than others. I've seen everything from M16s to tommy guns. The drawbacks are it is a very expensive hobby and the more realistic you want to get the more expensive it is. I have a buddy who fixed up his M16 with an almunium body and even fixed on a M203 grenade launcher replica. It is now a one to one scale and weight replica od the one used my the military. The grenade launcher even fires, although it works more like a shotgun, firing several bbs at once rather than a grenade. It's probably cost him close to $700. The other drawback is that since it does not leave a mark like paintballs, you have to play with honest people. Anyway, if you plan to get into airsoft, I hope you have fun and wish you best of luck.