Air Soft Advice please


New member
I was in Galyans earlier today, saw a couple different levels of air soft pistols. One was like 20 bucks, another at 50 level.

I was thinking of getting one for use on scenario practice inside my house, and wondered what others may have found pro or con. Care to share?

Also figured I might use it in an upcoming young teen shooting class I will probably be teaching before the next 4th of July passes. They would be using it as the "first" gun, teaching them the basics of safety and handling. Any comments appreciated.

May God bless,
A number of good well-known US-based retailers include:

If you're looking for a starter gun, well, there are lots. You get what you pay for.

-Spring Pistols: The lowest of the Airsoft color spectrum. These work by racking the slide for each shot fired.

Good: Any Tokyo Marui High Grade Hop Up models. >40 bucks.
Bad: Any thing less than $35.
Range: At the most, 90ft, Least, 20.
Verdict: For starting at the pure base of airsofting.

-Mini Electrics. These work by using cheap commonly avalible batteries with a motor to cycle a piston and a cylinder to compress air to power the BB.

Good: Most of them are ok. They won't last very long though.
Bad: Nearly all of them.
Range: Won't reach across your living room.
Verdict: If you can upgrade them to 400fps and last a decade, you're a genius. Fun for close plinking and very close CQB. Otherwise, avoid.

-Spring Rifles: Same thing as spring pistols, but you cock a handle instead.

Good: MP5SD3 by forgotwho. Best in the business.
Bad: Dunno. A lot of them are fair, however.
Range: Since most average about 230fps, these might reach across to your living room.
Verdict: If you like it and want it, get it. But there are better ones...see below.

-Gas Rifles/Gas Pistols: Now you've reached into the upper spectrum of the Airsoft world. Gas pistols work by gas stored in the magazine. Rack the slide (for Gas Blowbacks, like real ones), which charges a bb, and when you fire, unleashes a gush of gas which propels the bb. Non-blowbacks (NBB) are excellent on gas consumption and power, as some can tap 400 fps. The gas goes straight to propelling the BB. Rifles work in similar ways, but "Classic" rifles work a little like Paintball guns. Gas rifles tend to be more rare than spring rifles or AEGs.

Good pistol: KJW 1911, (poweredge) KSC/KWA G19, Tokyo Marui M9, KWC "Super" Berreta 92F.
Bad: There are lots, so join a message board (a good one would be and ask around.
Range: Definitely across your living room.
Verdict: If you spend for a better model, you won't regret it.

-AEGs: This is the top-of-the-line for the airsoft market. Basically the best models are the recent Classic Army models, Tokyo Marui, and the new KSC models.

Good: Described above.
Bad: Ask around message boards. There are lots of mixed reviews, however. Most of the recent AEGs born by TM and CA are excellent.
Range: Up to 230ft.
Verdict: Ask around for the best models.

There you go, a rough stamped-out response. You can start by reading the beginner's guide at It's on the middle left directory. Then join, read the forums a little, propose a proposal which would propose a proposal to buy X guns......

Ok I'm done.
Forget the $20 specials.
I bought one of the $20something Walther P99 look-alikes at Dick's Sporting Goods in a 4 - 22oz Killians Red induced haze about a year ago.
It shoots as crooked as I walked when I bought it. :D
Just wanted to say thanks to one and all for the information, . . . I really like that last one, . . . my carry piece is a plain Jane compared to it. :D

May God bless,
Having to transition over to the CZ 75B, I was wondering what you folks thought of this model "KWA CZ75" on the Airsoft Atl website. I'm keen for better training, but using a gun that I don't carry doesn't seem like such a good idea.

Any other makers offering a CZ clone?
air gun

I am not about to use an airsoft gun. I teach my kids to respect real guns. the airsoft guns seem to blur the line to me. If its ok to shoot your airsoft in the house its probably no big deal to dry fire your other guns in the house then you're not paying attention to what you're doing and BANG you end up having an accidental discharge. Just a thought.
I bought a spring powered 1911 lookalike for 10 bucks. I only wanted to use it for a weekend and it didn't even last that long! After about 200 shots I cocked it and the whole slide assembley came off. Last I remember I broke the front of it off by bashing it across a pole. AVOID THE CHEAP STUFF!
An airsoft tale...

Just last weekend, I was at a friend's house for a Halo 2 LAN party. He was letting someone have fun with his $20 spring-pistol (I believe it was a P99-copy, definately plastic. Had a metal mag with plastic mag base)...

The friend racked the slide a couple times in a row without discharging.

I could clearly see what appeared to be a pistol, lodged too far up in the chamber. It was closing on the breech face, instead of going partially into the barrel as it should.

After I voulenteered to fix the gun and spent roughly 20 minutes bent over it under a lamp trying to fix it, my friend said he had an idea. I returned his arm. He promptly proceeded to hit it strongly against his nightstand.

The gun now works perfectly.
I want a Glock 18 with the metal slide and with the "Glock" logo and text on the slide. I am having trouble finding one. I want the KSC version.