Air Guns in King County WA


New member
I'm sure this has been posted. I apologize for the repeat, i just couldn't find it.

I just recently moved to Renton, WA. What are the laws here for Air Rifles and BB Guns?
AFAIK when moving into the state you are not required to register pistols. Long guns are not required for registration but I have never bought one in WA. I can get one over in Lewiston (just over the iD border) and there isn't any transfer regulation for the long guns, just the pistols. Just to reiterate: any pistols owned prior to moving to WA do not need to be registered (Unless they changed anything and I haven't seen anything).
WeedWacker said:
AFAIK when moving into the state you are not required to register pistols. Long guns are not required for registration but I have never bought one in WA. I can get one over in Lewiston (just over the iD border) and there isn't any transfer regulation for the long guns, just the pistols. Just to reiterate: any pistols owned prior to moving to WA do not need to be registered (Unless they changed anything and I haven't seen anything).

And this applies to the OP's question?
Here is the Renton municipal code:\public_html\WA\Renton\Renton_form.html


6-2-1: Definitions

6-2-2: Unlawful Acts Defined

6-2-3: Exceptions

AIR GUN: Any air pistol, air rifle, BB gun and toy gun of any kind or nature when so designed, contrived, modified and used as to propel, by air or spring loaded plunger, any pellet, dart, hard-tipped arrow, bean, pea, BB, rock or other hard substance or object for a distance of more than twenty five feet (25’) with sufficient force to break windows or inflict injury upon persons or animals.

BOW: Any weapon or toy contrived of a flexible rod, cane or stick, with a string, with or without a stock, sight or trigger, for the propelling of arrows affixed with a metallic or hardened tip, when so shot or used as to propel such arrow a distance of more than twenty five feet (25’) with such force as to break windows or inflict physical injury upon persons or animals.

SLINGSHOT: Any device contrived of string, rubber bands, springs or other tension creating substances, with or without pellet pouch or handle, capable of being used to propel pellets, rocks, staples, pebbles, or other objects a distance of more than twenty five feet (25’) with sufficient force to break windows or cause damage or injury to persons or animals. (Ord. 1541, 4-17-56)

It shall be unlawful:

A. For any person under eighteen (18) years of age to carry or shoot any bow, air gun or slingshot within the City, when not in the presence of his parents or other responsible adult in loco parentis or under the direction, control or supervision of such responsible adult.

B. For any person to point or shoot a bow, air gun or slingshot at any person or property of another, or to aim or discharge such weapons in the direction of the person or residence of another, while within such range as would make possible injury to the person or damage to the property of another by a discharge from such toy or weapon. (Amd. Ord. 4726, 6-8-98)

C. For any parent or person in loco parentis to allow, give or permit the possession or use of any toy or weapon falling within the definitions contained hereinabove to any child under the age of eighteen (18) years.

D. For any merchant to sell, give or rent any air guns, bows or slingshots as hereinabove defined to minors under eighteen (18) years of age except when such minor is in the presence of his parent or other adult in charge of such minor. (Ord. 1541, 4-17-56)

E. For any person to point or shoot a bow, air gun or slingshot at any animal or fowl, either domestic or wild, within the City limits of Renton. (Ord. 4726, 6-8-98)

A. The following are exceptions to RMC 6-2-2A and C:

1. When such minor is possessing or using such weapons on an archery course or gun range operated or conducted by school, educational institution or other regulated group, pursuant to rules and regulations provided by the Chief of Police or City law.

2. When within a regulated or supervised course or range provided by and under the supervision of the Parks Department of the City, under regulations or laws duly promulgated and adopted therefor.

3. When any such minor is carrying such weapon unloaded and otherwise properly dismantled, to and from such authorized course or range.

B. The provisions of RMC 6-2-2B shall not prohibit the use of such weapons by a person over the age of eighteen (18) years when such use is reasonably necessary and represents reasonable force in the protection of the person or property of the user.

C. The provisions of RMC 6-2-2E shall not prohibit the use of such weapons by any person acting under the authority of a valid depredation permit for the control of migratory birds on and around the Renton Municipal Airport. (Ord. 1541, 4-17-56; amd. Ord. 4778, 4-26-99)
Thank you for that posting of the code in Renton. But now my ignorance comes through. So if I read it correctly I can shoot my airgun at non-living targets on my own property as long as it does not endanger the property of others, or other people. Did I read that correctly?
If you are over the age of 18....

That's the way I read it. :D I am glad it wasn't illegal for my mom (single parent) to give me a BB gun when I was 14!
It's a good question. One should never assume that airguns are perfectly legal.

I once lived in a small city in TX in a rural county where shooting an airgun could get you cited for discharging a firearm in city limits. Never would have believed it if someone had told me but there it was in the city ordinances, plain as day.