AIMED Point Shooting - ebook !!!


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If you are one of the millions of people who have a handgun for self defense, this e-book can be your key to staying alive in a real close quarters shooting.
It contains a variety of life and death related shooting topics and issues. They are presented in an easy to understand and straight forward manner.

The question you need to answer is : is you life worth the cost of this e-book ?
The main focus of the e-book is a shooting enhancement and improvement called AIMED Point Shooting or P&S.
P&S provides for fast, automatic, and accurate aiming and shooting in good light or bad, in almost all conditions, when shooting multiple times, when moving, and even when you can’t use the sights.
P&S is not new, it works, and it has been tested by police. However, it is not well known in the shooting community and accepted by the powers that be, as a survival shooting method.
P&S is very simple, reliable, easy to use, can be learned with little or no training, and its FREE.
It also is compatible with a wide variety of pistols, revolvers, shotguns, submachine guns, and assault rifles.
A full and detailed presentation of the P&S method covering what it is, how to use it, its recent development and testing, along with facts, data, and science based information that support its use, plus more, is included in the e-book.

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Let me guess -- involves a little plastic shelf glued to your pistol and pulling the trigger with your social finger while you point with the index finger?

Ah, yes, I remember this.

In the spirit of science, I actually gave this method of shooting a try. Not to be too blunt, but, it doesn't work. At all. It's not any faster and is a lot less accurate.

The whole concept of aimed point shooting suffers from one basic flaw. When you point your finger at something, you will almost never be directly lined up with it. I tried taping a laser pointer to my index finger and pointing at the light switch across the room (approx. 10 feet,) the activating the laser to see exactly where I was pointing. I never once was pointing at the light switch. Usually, I was pointing about six inches high and to the right.

Thanks, but I'll stick with the tried-and-true methods.
Aimed Point Shooting test


Some days ago, during my daily walk, (bearing a kind of locally made .22 Derringer - long barrel - pistol as additional "insurance") I made a try of the method.

I am not a shooter, I am a collector and technical, historical author.

I know this tiny pistol to be not very precise when using the regular sights. The purpose is not really to defend myself but to make some loud in case of necessity.

Thus, to try the P&S method I stuck a sheet of paper on a tree at rather four meters. Then I shoot several times using the method.
I was very surprise to found a majority of impacts at the center of the target.
I must add that I was certainly not in a situation of stress.
But, I was very amazed by the result … really.

I am not a professional shooter, just a regular Belgian (Europe) citizen.

I apologize for my English which sometime is not very good. I am a French speaking person.

Now, regarding the ebook content, there are many interesting topics treated as : armor vest, stopping power, psychological behaviour under stress, shooting stances, etc …
For a French-speaking Belgian, your English is unbelievably good. Your interest in pitching this method of shooting however sounds like an infomercial.

I checked out the link at:
Now I thought it was supposed to be "FREE" but a little pop-up window that showed up 10 seconds later said it is $3.99 ... go figure ... as for the topics covered within the "e-book" I can post a question here anytime, from anywhere, and get detailed feedback from dedicated professionals in a timely manner. That's TFL ... and it is truly, in every sense of the word, FREE.
Who wrote it?

There's a couple P&S advocates who have long pushed the technique on various boards. When people ask legitimate questions and point out factual difficulties, the advocates just ridicule the questioners.
Hi Viceroy808,

Hi Viceroy808,

There is one free firearm ebook available on my site (relating the Savage 1907 pistol). But it seems that you are right as the presentation is somewhat misleading. The ebooks column on the site starts with our free ebook advertising under the title (which is in fact the access url) : Free firearm ebook. One can consider that it is a title for the column and all the following items are free. I have changed this to be more clear. Thank you for your thought.

Please now, download this free ebook (There is a test password procedure but the password is given for free). I would be very interested to know if when typing some requests on a forum or some words on a search engine, you would fine the same or better data on the subject.

Most of my searches on the web are often void of valid or interesting data when I urgently need them. But it is true as well that sometime I find true valuable sources … that are not always given for free.

Relating to the P&S shooting method, I am not such a competent shooter (as many people I suppose) to say this is THE method to use in close quarter combat or stress situation. But as tested by myself in the conditions depicted in my last message, I think it works rather well with a pistol which I know to have sights on which I cannot really rely. To summarise, I think that I would use the method with this pistol in a stressing situation and not loose my time to try to align the target with the sights.
Here's a link to the classic by Applegate "Kill or Get Killed"

It's a 5.3Mb file. Right click and choose "Save as.."

It has very thourough detailing of Applegates point shooting method and combat training. Stick to the tried and true.

I'm a mod at another forum and I've had to deal with the "pitch", chain letters, paid for surfing, etc. I usually just delete that persons membership since the rules are clearly explained, before they can post, that all advertising is forbidden.
I think that I would use the method with this pistol in a stressing situation and not loose my time to try to align the target with the sights.

If the target is not aligned with the sights, you're not pointing at the target!!! And it only takes a few more milliseconds to visually confirm and correct, compared to the time wasted recovering from a miss!

Yes, at very close ranges you probably don't have to visually align the sights; at those ranges even a homie holding a Tec-9 sideways can't miss. Beyond that range (a few feet) USE THE SIGHTS.

I think it works rather well with a pistol which I know to have sights on which I cannot really rely.

You're going to risk your life on an unreliable tool?????!!! The solution is NOT some misguided technique, the solution is to GET TOOLS THAT WORK. Get your sights fixed or get a different gun!

(You won't even pick a decent tool and you want us to spend money on your ebook? HA!)

I am not such a competent shooter (as many people I suppose) to say this is THE method to use in close quarter combat or stress situation.

HINT: Most competent shooters do NOT use this method; they train to use the sights properly and automatically. Those who are not such competent shooters should train to be competent, not seek out misguided techniques that are just as difficult as doing it right.

The mantra "FRONT SIGHT, PRESS" works every time it's followed. "Point with hope, press" doesn't.

Ever try trying to use your sights in the dark when all you have to shoot at are hostile muzzle flashes? There are situations in which using the sights works well. There are situations where it does not. If you have to use point shooting, it is better to have learned and practiced a good point shooting technique such as that developed by Col Rex Applegate. It may turn out to be be a real life saver.