Aim and eye sight


Hi guys,
1st time caller, long time listener.
(I was actually going to make my 1st post re:guns but decided against it; after all-who DOESN'T make their 1st post here about gun(s)?)

Wanted to ask you this:
So we're told/teaught to aim with both eyes open, then to aim with out "dominant" eye...
Now, MOST EVERYONE who is right handed is also right eye dominant - or so the say.
It turns out I am: right handed, left leg'ed (if that's a word), and LEFT eye dominant.

My Q to you is....what do I do??
I'm trying to learn the proper aim/fire techs, and want to learn to improve on the correct techniques, but all the info I ran across thus far claims that "most people" do "this or that."
Where do I fit in?
Anyone else in similar situation?

So far I aim with my RIFHT eye, primarily. Now, having learned the "truth" I'm willing to aim with left,but dont know how to do it right.
Thank you.

If this is in the wrong section-by all means, move it.

In case any1 questions my nickname (not th e1st time this has come up)'s not what you think.
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You're going to have to put a silly piece of scotch tape over the left eye lens of your shooting glasses so that you're forced to use your right eye to get your front sight in focus. Don't use masking tape, cause that will simulate a closed eye and you don't want that. Keep both eyes open. You just want to make what your left eye sees blurry so that your right eye takes over the chore. You'll have to shoot this way for a few weeks if you shoot regularly to a few months if you just shoot once every couple weeks. It's a bit embarrassing, but all the experienced shooters will know why the tape is there.

Edit: After reading your post again, I thought I'd address a couple points. You don't want to shoot with your cross dominant eye. Take my word on this one. Others have tried, which is why the tape solution to training the non-dominant eye to become dominant is so popular. And yes many people start off with your cross-dominant eye issue. My wife was cross dominant and she successfully used the tape so that she was shooting comfortably with her right eye (both eyes open) in just a few weeks. She's a pretty dang good IPSC shooter now, often winning Ladies Production in matches but also beating most of the guys too.
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Good to know. Thanks for the info Gerry.
I guess the issue is more common than I might have expected.
From a physiology stand point I do wonder how do our bodies/systems develop in such a convoluted way. A lot pf ppl find it "weird" that i write with right hand, yet kick/etc with left foot. Add that "left eye" to the mix and it gets even more puzzling - but I guess we'll have to leave these kinds of Qs for biologists/etc.

Thanks again.
What do you do if neither eye is dominant? I have done the dominant eye test many times and it is about 50/50 for the test. Seams to be the same for hands. I am right handed because the teachers would not let me use my left. But I can do most things with both hands.
cross dominant

My Dad was, and so is bamaboy, but I was spared that afflicition.

Dad shot off his right shoulder, left I dominant, and it gave him fits. He was a rather poor wing shot, and missed quite a bit w/ a rifle as well. If he had time to set up and get "prepared" he did OK w/ a rifle. When things happened fast, he did not do so well. Dad didn't have a clue about his cross dominance till he was in his 50's, and he never tried changing even after it was diagnosed.

I spotted it early on w/ bamaboy and got him shooting off his left shoulder/left eye (there's no doubt he's right handed) right off, and the kid does really well. With a handgun he shoots right handed and just lines up with the left eye w/o any trouble.