AHSA's Ray Schoenke assaults Ginny Simone


I missed this 6 months ago when it happened and I couldn't find a past thread about it here. Why is Ray Schoenke not in jail?


Where is the assault?

I'm guessing it's where he physically touched her. Which, while it may technically assault (or battery?), given the context would probably only be called such by somebody looking to stir some pot or another.

Why is Ray Schoenke not in jail?

I'm not familiar with the details of the case...did she press charges?
Where is the assault?
Go to the mall and grab women like Ray did here and I'll bet the cops will nicely inform you as to the legal definition of assault (touching someone without their consent and ESPECIALLY grabbing someone with both hands). ;)
Go to the mall and grab women like Ray did here and I'll bet the cops will nicely inform you as to the legal definition of assault (touching someone without their consent and ESPECIALLY grabbing someone with both hands).

True. But unless the woman decides to press the issue, I'd wager that's all they'd do. I don't see them dragging somebody off to jail or a trial ever occurring unless A) the victim presses the issue or B) it's not the first time.

So, your question was why he wasn't in jail; I'll respond again with my own. Did she press charges?
Did she press charges?
I'm guessing no. She did a decent job of pressing the issue and standing her ground, but her voice and questioning sounds like she was scared and that his aggression threw her off her game. Just one more reason she should have given his aggression back to him the second he touched her (instead of letting him do it 4 more times) by pushing his hand away. Or perhaps saying "excuse me, what do you think you're doing?"
American Hunters and Shooters Association.

An anti-gun group (google the name, or even look it up on wikipedia) that basically opposes the NRA and stands shoulder to shoulder with people like Bloomberg and his anti "illegal gun" mayor's group.


A bigger joke and travesty you'll never find. They claim to be a group aspiring to more members and asking for donations, and yet their website hasn't changed AT ALL since the group was created.

i.e. they talk agains the DC gun ban, and yet there is no mention of the Parker case (because nothing has changed since about 2005).

I signed up for their "newsletter" on 2 different occasions, but have yet to get even one email (I just like to monitor anti-gun groups).

When you look at their website they look like not such a bad group, even if they are "protectors" of the 2nd amendment who have no problem with pretty much any restriction the government can dream up. At least they supposedly believe in civial gun ownership (for any who feel like they can avoid all the warnings on the "gun for home protection" info sheet).

But when you look at the resume's of their leaders and see what groups they give talks too (like the million mom's) you see their true colors.

Makes me sick. Basically a bogus pro-gun group to support anti-gun candidates in front of ignorant gun owners and weaken the NRA.

As I often ask ... how do these people look themselves in the mirror? If they truly do have the moral high ground and the facts are on their side, why do they have to deceive people?

Oh yeah ... I remember ... they don't care about logic or facts. They just want the neanderthals disarmed, because they're crazy -- whether the facts support it or not.