Ahh, the joys of a really accurate .22 rimfire rifle !


New member
Happened into a CZ452 Lux rifle recently. Actually, I bought it from a friend who is big into rimfire bench rest shooting. It was his "plinking" rifle, as opposed to one of his match rifles.

I mounted a Weaver T-36 target scope I had (waiting for a good home) on it.....and went to work.

What a joy to shoot ! Darned little rifle shoots like a laser. With CCI standard velocity 40 grain, it will easily do 1/2" groups at 100 yards. Better than that, if I really try hard. Stupid rifle actually shoots better, with the ammo I have tried so far, with NO barrel tuning weights, either. That makes life easy !

My friend and I shot about 500 rounds the other day, on a variety of targets. Paper targets, the little 2" diameter clay pigeons tossed out on the 100 yard berm, empty paint cans, crackers, etc. etc. We spent lots of time shooting the little orange CHIPS left over after breaking up all of the little clay birds, as well as spinning and bouncing the paint cans at will.

Dagnabbit, what fun !! Haven't had that much fun shooting for quite a while.

I have been assembling a collection of various brands and types of standard velocity target ammo to try in it, to see what shoots best. Norma, Federal, Eley, Lapua, etc. etc.

Going to the (indoor) range for a careful ammo test tomorrow night.

If the CZ does as well as I hope it might, I may just have to start shooting the local bench rest matches with it !

Ahhh, life is good !

CZs are like that.....I have a 452FS......and as so many will say...a full stock(mannlicher) will not hold point of aim....well....my CZ didnt get the memo........and when I got the CZ Varmint.....words fail me...

and my CZs are not ammo sensitive as the Ruger 77/22 I had....sold it to buy the CZ varmint
The first match I EVER shot was using my friend's CZ452 varmint and Eley "Edge" ammo. Tried the "Match" and the "Edge" and couldn't see a difference, so I used the Edge.

Scored a 992 - 37X, total. Third round I did 250 - 15X. Won the Rimfire Sporter class. Would've done a lot better, actually, but I got tired from the pressure and choked a little on the 4th round.

And I am NOT that great a shot ! My friend is actually A LOT better ! He routinely scores 250-20X or better, times 4 rounds = 1000-80X (or better).

The best you can POSSIBLY do is 1000-100X.

Those CZ 452's can SHOOT !!!
Another CZ 452 pleased owner! I also have a CZ 455 Mannlicher wrapped up & under the tree, just waiting to be tested!
.22s in general are impressively accurate.
Even the basic cheapies.
It would take a serious amount of money and effort to even come close to the same accuracy with a centerfire rifle.
They're not just for kids, either.
I have a CZ 452 (E-LUX I think). It has a very long barrel with Iron sights. It is surprisingly quiet with the long barrel. One of the things I love about it is the crispness of the bolt, when in its open position the bolt doesn't wiggle a bit, it goes into locked position smoothly, and in locked position I can not feel any wiggle room at all: tight but butter smooth. The triggers are adjustable and some the best I've ever felt (along with an Anshutz).

I don't know what could be more accurate, it makes 10 shot bench groups that are all under a dime at 30yds. I've shot thousands of rounds through it and it is my first and only .22, have put a traditional European sling and scope on it. My best groups are with the old cheap Winchester Wildcat ammo.

Next time you shoot it take little plastic toy soldiers and have your friend hide them downrange when you're not looking. And then take your sniper position, its a lot of fun.
I've had hit and miss accuracy; most "good enough" for my purposes (not matches), which is roughly 3.5 MOA at 50 yards / 4.0 MOA at 100; right in there.

Good accuracy from CZ, Savage, Marlin, Mossberg (old one), Henry, others. But surprisingly poor accuracy for example, from a beautiful rifle that I really wanted to love - the T/C R-55.

CZ 452 / 453 / 455, as is the conventional wisdom, is the best chance for really good accuracy under $500-$600, but Anschutz is better (for a lot) more in my understanding. I would have long ago saved for an Anschutz had it not been for my detesting detachable mags.

I hate detachable box mags so much that I even got rid of all of my beloved 452s and 453s. About the only detachable mag I will tolerate now on a rimfire is the Savage 93, because they are IN THERE, on that rail. (I also tolerate detachables on CZ 527 centerfire because likewise, they are IN THERE, with metal parts - I hate the plastic parts such as the release on CZ 452/453....just me).

I also so no use for, and dislike, semi-auto .22s these days, as I like to feed Colibris, SSSs, shorts, etc.

So I like 3 kinds of rimfires ONLY nowadays -- (1) single shot break actions, (2) single shot bolt actions, and (3) Repeaters which WILL feed unusual rounds but have a tube mag; not a detachable box mag - this means leverguns (BL22, Marlin 39, Wincher 9422, Henry, etc), and pumps (Henry, Win / Rossi Taurus 62 / 59 / 72, Rem 572, etc). Oh, and I also like the Marlin turnbolt that has a tube mag - but these are so unpopular that I wouldn't be surprised if Marlin has stopped making them.

+1 on the quietness of the 452 Luxe - Super Colibris make it out of a 28" bbl, and are extremely quiet.
So, how ecstatic would you be if you had a 22 that did all that, was semi-auto, had a 25 round mag, and went pfft,pfft,pfft?
Would not be ecstatic, at all. I hate semi-auto anythings......especially rifles. In rifles, it's bolt action or nothing, for me. 25 round mags I couldn't care less about. No, that's not right - I detest them, as well.

I don't even use the mag with my 452. In fact, I don't know where it is - and I don't care. I just single-load the rifle.

I'm just weird like that.