Ah! .22 bolt-action rifles are legal for adults to own!

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Apparently, Moms Demand Action shill, Shannon Watts is terrified by the thought of legal adults being able to walk into a store and buy a .22LR bolt-action with a modern chassis. She is encouraging her followers to demand Sportman’s Warehouse stop selling such rifles to those under 21.


Just in case you bought into that “all we want is reasonable gun control” line. 18yo old enough to vote or be drafted. Not old enough to be trusted with a .22 bolt-action rifle.
I don't think an 18yr old should have the right to buy a gun or vote. Make the age about 25. But an 18 yr old that does two years in the service should have that right, if they are honorably discharged. Then the right to buy firearms and vote can be had at 18 so long as they are honorably discharged.

Problem I have is what I see so many of these kids doing today in protest's, they should be in school learning something but, they feel better causing a ruckus. The hope for their group that I see is that they are not all doing it. Those that are I believe they are being manipulated. In the military they will be made to grow up or booted out! And I read somewhere recently that a kid doesn't really mature till about 25!These kids that have done mass killing's, how old were they when they did it? I'm thinking most are still in their teens! Make them grow up before allowing them those privilege's.
I know plenty of "Senior Citizens" (I am 68) who should have their vote, their driver's license, etc. taken away.
These kids have no problems obtaining controlled substances, and too many are being "medicated" and turned loose when they should either be locked up or closely supervised.
A big problem today is the "painful prolongation of adolescence" combined with declining adult presence in young lives.
Apparently, Moms Demand Action shill, Shannon Watts is terrified by the thought of legal adults being able to walk into a store and buy a .22LR bolt-action with a modern chassis. She is encouraging her followers to demand Sportman’s Warehouse stop selling such rifles to those under 21.

It just shows how stupid and uninformed these people really are. They have no idea what they are talking about.

As for making it so you have to be 25 to buy a gun, no. How about 21 to buy a handgun and a semi auto centerfire? And maybe add bolt and lever actions to the 21 year old age group. 18 to buy a rimfire rifle or shotgun.
As long as one is paying taxes they should be able to vote. With some very narrow exceptions, no taxes = no voting. For example, a Medal of Honor recipient has prepaid.
While everyone is on the "I've got mine, so I don't care"-kick...

Why don't we just make the minimum age to buy a firearm 58 years-old?
That way the person should be well established as responsible or a societal problem, and have sufficient income to afford the triple-locked gun vault mandatory for ownership...


So much talk about lack of parental involvement or adult guidance, yet you're more than willing to just hang the younger generation out to dry. ...Because you've already got yours.
I'd like to just see us stick to the original script of shall NOT be infringed... but that's dreaming.
If you read through the myriad of threads surrounding recent issues and reactions to them, you can see how effective our opposition has been and it's downright scary.
But an 18 yr old that does two years in the service should have that right, if they are honorably discharged. Then the right to buy firearms and vote can be had at 18 so long as they are honorably discharged.
Having trouble with math? The minimum age to enlist is currently 18, 17 with parental consent. Must have a high school diploma or GED. But 18+2=20 just about everywhere, so they couldn't do 2 years and be honorably discharged and still be 18.

Nope, sorry. If they are allowed to vote, they are citizens, and they should be able to buy a gun, buy a car, buy a house, buy a drink in a bar. We had 22s when I was just 16, no one thought twice about it. Had to have my dad or older brother buy ammo for me, but no biggie. We rode the bus to the rifle range, too! No SWAT teams called.

Instead of making it more restrictive to own a firearm, how about teaching adolescents to be responsible? After all, "adolescent" means "becoming an adult", so expect them to act like adults. Commit a crime? Go to prison. None of this "expunged record for crimes committed as a minor. And no school administrators hiding evidence from the police if you commit a crime! If they do, prosecute them as accessories after the fact.
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