Agenda of the media...


New member
Was at work yesterday, and happened to catch a glimps of the local news. Main story was about a kid in out west that was shooting with his dad, and believed to have caught a ricochet to the stomach.

Aside from trying to work up the public, how is this headline news in Central PA???

We haven't heard the last of such things...
It's sad that just about anything in the media firearms related is a negative thing. Therefore for the people who aren't normally around guns, the only thing they know or hear about them are the negative things that they see on the media.
Former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury (under Reagan) Dr. Paul Craig Roberts said, "The media is agenda driven."

I gave up on the MSM decades ago. What is worrying the media (and especially their owners) is that people turn increasingly to the alternative media (the grass roots little guys and gals who do it for free) for information. Viewer discretion is advised.
Of course there is a political agenda to restrict gun ownership. There has been since the 1960's. Folks in politics talk to folks in the media. Negative incidents are going to get publicity. It's nothing new.
CNN stands for Casualites Now Network.

There is a standing rule in place by the girlfriend, that I am not allowed to watch any sort of main stream mass media unless I refrain from yelling at the TV.
The media or Poilticians, are not "Sovereign"

And we ardent 2nd Amendment supporters aren't agenda driven?
"Our" Constitution, is "sovereign" and perhaps we need to look up the meaning of that word and not intended to be compromised. .... ;)

I recall a recent local news story where the TV reporter, was announced that a local man, had committed suicide with a Semi-Automatic hand gun. As if that made it easier of more lethal. After quoting his script, the reporter, just shook his head and you could see a slight smirk on his face ..... :rolleyes:

Be Safe !!!
Of course the media is agenda driven. The agenda is profit. That's WHY they are in business. They sell us the news. Any and everything that upsets people gets their attention. Their attention means ratings and sales. Bottom line, its just that simple.

If the media lost money being anti gun (or anti anything) they would stop doing it.

The fact that being anti gun (and making money doing it) fits neatly in with the political views of many who work in, or own the media is just gravy for them.
Glenn E. Meyer said:
If it bleeds, it leads.
44 AMP said:
The agenda is profit. That's WHY they are in business. They sell us the news. Any and everything that upsets people gets their attention.
Precisely. Additionally, people are drawn to stories with elements of the unusual.

Aside from firearms, one of my other passions is aviation, and it often rubs me the wrong way when the media runs a sensationalist story about a fatal but fairly ordinary crash of a small airplane or helicopter, or even a successful but spectacular emergency landing. (BTW in this circumstance, pilots generally define "success" as "everyone walked away, or at least survived", even if the aircraft was damaged beyond repair- e.g. the Miracle on the Hudson. :))

Most people don't fly aircraft themselves, and many people don't shoot. This draws people to stories about folks getting injured or killed while doing these activities. :rolleyes: