again, moderators please

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model 25

New member
Moderators please


I am kinda new here and I have a few questions and points I would like to discuss if that's OK

Seems lots of topics get locked because some people get ugly in their post. Why shut the thread down, why not delete the bad poster? It seems that you are punishing everyone for one bad apple, kinda like gun owners huh?

It seems odd to me that the majority of the whole site is about guns and the carry of and tactics and what bad guys do all of which could be construed as getting ready for violence. However the political speech is often locked for the hint of bad words or it might offend someone.

Now I don't try to offend people but if telling the truth gets them riled up then I feel they better not get involved in adult conversation.

I would like a public post as to how you moderators feel about this please

I appologize for calling you an idiot the other day but I do agree the mods punish everyone for one person. Since ive been here its been the practice of a couple mods but not all mods take it to far. Ive seen people loose their cool here. Even mods yet they gun unpunished. The point im pushing is not a "Hes driving fast so I can too point". What im pushing is a someones abusing power point.

They usually close stuff when they don't agree with you. Id say maybe you should email Rich about it. Im not sure how often he reads the forums but being the nice guy he is maybe he will actually give you an answer.
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That sums it up pretty well, I think.

We are trying to raise the bar among discussion forums. Any thread that does not serve the stated purpose of this forum will be locked or deleted. If there is only one rules violation in a thread, we will usually edit the offending post and allow the discussion to continue. When there are multiple members dragging down the quality of a thread, it is usually best to end the discussion. Unless a staff member asks for a topic to be avoided (which is very rare), feel free to open a new thread and give it another try.

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