Aftermarket trigger for a S&W Model 13?

  • Thread starter Thread starter KilgorII
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Thank you to everyone who gave me thier advise on my first real wheelgun purchase. I wanted a 4" stainless GP-100, but ended up getting a very nice used S&W model 13 because the guy made me a deal I just couldn't pass up. I'll get the Ruger when funds become available again.

I really like this gun, but the trigger is narrow and has ribs running vertically. It rubs a nasty blister on my trigger finger during DA shooting and because of this it is uncomfortable to shoot for extended range sessions and several days after.

I shot a friend of mine's Taurus and it has a smooth-faced trigger that is twice as wide as this one. Anyone know where I can get a fat, smooth trigger to pop into my model 13?

Thanks again,

A gun smith can smooth and polish your trigger in order to be rid of those nasty trigger serrations. Going price to do so around here was about $35.00 last time I checked. Something about a M-13 with a polished trigger. But if you're set on a wider trigger, I'm not sure what can be done.

BTW, did you wind up with a 4 inch M-13? Or did that guy stick you with a 3 incher? ;)
I had thought about breaking the dremel out and doing it myself, but I decided that I wanted to be able to return it back to stock if I wanted. Plus I want a fatter trigger, this thing it quite thin.

It's a 4" barrel. It has some holster wear at the end of the barrel and on the cylinder, but it is in almost pritine mechanical shape. It's been fired very little. I learned what to look at from several threads here on TFL. It locks up tight, very little cylinder slop, cylinder gap looks good, but I haven't used feeler gauges yet, and the top strap has barely been cut into indicating to me that it wasn't fired much (PROBABLY DUE TO THAT NASTY TRIGGER!!!!).

You can get any number of width triggers for K-frame S&W revolvers, smooth or serrated. Brownell's usually stocks them or you can contact S&W directly.
Thank you Jeff

I would prefer to go aftermarket and not send money to S&W if I could. If noone makes an aftermarket trigger, then I guess I have to or I have a gun that isn't too fun to shoot. Anyone know of an aftermarket trigger?

I went to Brownells and looked here is what I found:

Trigger Assembly, Target, .400 Ser
Trigger Assembly, .265 Ser
Trigger Assembly, .312 SM
Trigger Assembly, Target, .400 SM

I'm assuming that .400 means the trigger is 0.400" wide? Ser = serrated SM = smooth Correct?

I'm going to email Brownells to make sure. I also need to find out if they're blued or stainless.

[Edited by KilgorII on 03-24-2001 at 02:44 PM]
Just measured my trigger and it's 0.262" wide.

Anyone have a preference between the .312" and .400" smooth triggers? Is the .400" too fat?
The .400 triggers are the target triggers and made for SA shooting. The .312 smooth is the one you are looking for to do DA work though some prefer a smoothed .265.
Well, you could always add a "trigger shoe" to the EXISTING trigger--that would give the effect of a wider trigger without having to fit a new trigger. I know Tyler, of
T-Grip grip adapter fame, used to manufacture trigger shoes...don't know of anyone else, offhand....mikey357
Hey Mikey, I found Tyler. They still make the trigger shoes, but I think I would prefer a new trigger. Thanks for the idea though.

Thanks Jeff, I'll get the .312 smooth trigger.
