After Littleton, One More Time

Ed Brunner

New member
This is REALLY interesting:




The parents of Columbine HS gunman Dylan Klebold have stunned authorities by filing court papers blaming them for failing to prevent the teen's bombs-and-bullets rampage.

In a bizarre twist of the blame game, Susan and Thomas Klebold served notice of their intent to sue the Jefferson County sheriff's department and school district.

The papers charge that officials mishandled a complaint filed about Dylan's violent threats a year before he and pal Eric Harris killed 13 people and themselves on April 20.

They contend that if investigators had told them about their son's Internet rantings and Harris' violent tendencies, they would have kept the two boys apart and prevented the mass murder.

The authorities' failure "was so reckless, willful and wanton as to have caused the Klebolds to be subject to substantial damage claims, vilification, grief and loss of enjoyment of life."

County officials said they were astonished by the claim.

"I hope the lawyers who have filed these notices review the cases and realize that there is no legal liability," said Bill Tuthill, assistant Jefferson County attorney.

Legal experts said the Klebolds - who have already been sued by one of their son's victims and are expecting to be hit with more claims - are trying to bolster their own defense.

The couple will seek damages only equal to those claimed against them by families who believe they should have prevented their son from carrying out the worst school shooting in U.S. history.

Jefferson County Sheriff John Stone, who is named in the Klebolds' legal filing, agrees.

"I think it's outrageous," he said. "It's their parenting thing, not our fault for their kid doing this thing.

"I'd just like to put this thing behind us because this thing is getting to an ugly stage now, with a bunch of lawyers trying to capitalize on it," he told the Denver Post.

The Klebolds filed their notice Friday, the deadline for legal action. Thirteen other families have filed similar notices and they now have at least a year to bring suit.

We bemoan the fact that our schools are continuously usurping paerntal authority and function. Let's see if they have any responsibility.

Better days to be,

i hate tohave to say this but dont these people know that is there resposabilityto raise there children not the schools or the polices responsiblites to raise them my parents always knew who my fiends were and who there parents were if they didnt it didnot take them long to find out if they didnt like the way the kid acted or behaved i didnt play withthem parents need to parent not turn them over to the schools and hope they turn out. i wish i still had my parents

Yeah, it's a shame when a school shooting turns ugly . . . :(


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
The fact is, kids, no one wants to and will take responsibility or action before an incident; even when it is known the perps are looneytunes. After the incident, they want to punish people that had nothing to do with it

Klebold, Buford Furrow, at least one of those little kids from the Arkansas school shooting, etc. They were known to have problems and violent one did a thing. Kip Kinkel's parents begged for help numerous times cuz the kid was a whacko. School's, police, mental health services turned their backs on them. And Kip only got 25 yrs for killing 4 people. The social engineers love their "early detection" schemes...but they never, ever, ever do anything with the knowledge...except blame you and me because we own guns.

The schools think they have the right and authority to stick their noses in when all is well....enjoy the flipside, weasels.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!

[This message has been edited by DC (edited October 17, 1999).]
Yeah! Thats pretty much what I meant. Thank you, DC. You certainly have a way with words.

Better days to be,

I don't mean to be heartless, but this has become almost funny.

The Columbine terrorism was the fault of the school, the parents, the police, the gun manufacturers, societal values, TV, the RKBA, the kids who teased the shooters, the psycho-active drugs, the NRA, movies, the Internet ... yada, yada, yada. I understand the legal strategy here, but it is also an example of the constant 'blame game'. And, it is rare that anyone 'blames' or demonizes the central players - the damn shooters themselves. They too are 'victims'.

You know ... the larger the world population becomes, the more we will hear about various loony tunes committing heinous crimes / terrorism. And, due to our excellent communications, we'll hear about these events ever more rapidly. We have to find balance, and strive to see these things in context. We need to try and understand the true trends of such acts, relative to our populations. If the media were responsible, they would help us to do that. Fat chance these days.

It is certainly reasonable to follow a tragedy with discussion and reasoned analysis of what can be done, if anything, to stop a repeat. And, if I'd had a kid there, God forbid, it would be consuming my life right now.

But as adults, we all must realize that these kinds of things can happen in our world, and it is still a much safer world than it was even a few years ago. Due to the constant political posturing in our society, I have little faith that we'll be able to keep our balance in the future.

I fear our path will be one of simply lurching from issue to issue, and from oppressive law to more oppressive law based upon tragic incidents that are forever exploited by the media and politicians. Sigh ... can we ever again find freedom and personal responsibility? Common sense is certainly no longer common ...

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited October 17, 1999).]

I believe we all share your thoughts...but as you said " Due to
the constant political posturing in our society".....and..."If the media were
responsible, they would help us to do that. Fat chance these days."

The "accept no blame nor responsibility people", and the pandering politicians and social utopians have created this....some dumb @ss cow dumps hot coffee on her lap while driving and sues McDonalds because its too hot; the family of the N. Hollywood bank robber sues because he bled nauseum. They created the extreme litigation in this society because they want freebies and absolution. Well, it works both ways. Sure, lawyers will get rich, but maybe, for a change, the proper people will get ruined. Sometimes folks need the absurd to knock some sense into their heads....if school boards now can face the "barrel" maybe kids won't get expelled for taking Tylenol, having a nail clipper, wearing those evil gang symbols like the Cross and Star of David.

Like I said...reductio ad absurdum

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Bill tuthill says "No legal liability", tell that to the gun industry that is being sued.
WELCOME TO THE MACHINE billy boy, and you to John stone. What comes around goes around.

The beauty of the second Amendment is that it is not needed until they try to take it. T JEFFERSON

[This message has been edited by oberkommando (edited October 18, 1999).]
You might remember Darrel Scott and his testimony before congress. He placed the blame on the shooters and not the guns or the NRA. His wife also shares his views on who is/was responsible.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
<snip>But Beth Nimmo, whose daughter Rachel Scott was killed in the massacre, will not taking legal action, saying the people responsible for the tragedy are no longer here.[/quote]
I'm also curious as to why there has been no word about Mark Manes. He pled guilty to supplying a gun to a minor and possesion of a *sawed off shotgun* in August. He was to be sentenced Oct 14th. I guess there isn't any interest in how one of the 20,000 laws work, just a call for more of them.

CCW for Ohio action site.

[This message has been edited by Hal (edited October 18, 1999).]
Well, well, well. These scumbag brainwashers, er uh, I mean educators are getting a tast of their own medicine. I could die laughing.
What this country needs is a Socialized legal system. No more megabucks awards going to Attorneys. Then our legal system would be like the Medical services in Canada. Everybody gets treated equally. lawyers would be paid a salary by the govt based on longevity.

Geoff Ross
I have to comment that on at least one level I think this is a really good thing, and I hope we see more of it.

I'd like to see them also sue all the gun manufacturers involved on the same basis, the state for certifying the teachers and police officers, AlGore for inventing the Internet, the Federal Government individually and collectively (thousands of suits in itself) for not confiscating all firearms, the state of FL for allowing concealed carry, and North Korea for testing missiles which led to their children's insanity, obviously. And everybody else on the planet.

Likewise, I think it'd be nice if every American gunowner sued THEM for the negative image they allowed to be imposed on us by their irresponsible and incompetent childrearing, the news media involved sued them to recover the costs of covering their children's actions, the police department for expenses of responding, everybody just sue everybody, claiming damages of, say, 100 billion each, adding up to quadrillions or quintillions of dollars in an exhibition of the abject stupidity of our current tort system.
2 monsters are unable, or unwilling to see the value of human life, not just their victims, but their own lives as well.

That's why we had a school full of chaos & death. Everything else is just fluff, crap, & garbage, unless you're a lawyer (they feed & thrive on scum, kinda like a carp, but without the morals)

Unfortunately, those two made the perfect getaway, far beyond the grip of any human justice. It's not often that I wish for a vengeful God.
I read this news with mixed emotions. The knee-jerk reaction is to gloat at the school's discomfort. It's great to see liberals get hoisted on their own petard. Then a kind of sadness sets in. Just as a dying animal will tear at itself in it's final agony, I see this great country doing the same with all these destructive lawsuits. I keep hoping that at some point the pendulum will swing back, but God, the public is SO apathetic!

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.