AFter all this grandstanding, I will just post under my own name...

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
No response needed. What is needed is an apology to the moderators for using up their time on my half-baked identity swaps.

Oleg "cornered rat" Volk

Rat, you just messed up the membership count! ;) Hey Rich, wadda we gonna do?

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Oleg, I liked your nickname, "cornered rat".

I'm not disagreeing with your decision to change it, but I think everyone who has been around TFL for a while knows who you are, whatever you call yourself. You never kept your identity secret. BTW, I came across your web page before I found TFL.
I LIKE the gun you used on your website's opening page :)

(But I still preferred "cornered rat"--but what the hey--I ain't you)


Exodus 22:2 -- Biblical precedent for home defense.
Thanks for liking the "cornered rat" moniker...I liked it, long as it reflected my perceived situation.

Unfortunately, even if I decide to bring back the rat (the account has been frozen, not eliminated), I better not do it right now. A date with DC and her handy destructive tools of choice would result and I might not survive intact...seems that I have already imposed on the forum admins a bit too much lately :(
There was recently a piece on one of the news magazines on television (Dateline, 20/20, or something) about text that is written into various on-line forums. So long as the writer allows access to his/her identity, anything written by that person CAN be used against him/her should the necessity present itself.

Therefore it is advisable, if you are interested in keeping a low profile and/or keeping your written comments out of "eventual" court proceedings against you, keep your pen name and avoid access to personal identities (web addresses, e-mail addresses, etc.).
Dam Paul, Sounds like everything we do and say should be bogus! Is that correct?
Does that mean we have to say good things about Bill, Hillary and Janet now?

Paul Revere,
What if your namesake had kept everything to himself? LOL!

Somehow, I don't think TFLers are much interested in "low profile" - unless you're talking about a tactical flight plan for a "black, tactical" aircraft! (There you go, Kodiac! :))

Along with anchovies and raw liver, compliments about the Clintons (and their regime) are things I just can't choke down!! :D :D

Like the moniker "American", the title "Cornered Rat" could apply to ALL of us if our government continues its intrusion into our private lives. We must put a stop to it. The most effective and efficient manner to bring about the desired change is at the ballot box. So (betcha you can see this coming), that's why we must:

Stick it to 'em! RKBA!
Oleg: Since you are no longer a depressed cornered rat anymore, I thought that I'd share this photo of a very blissful rat. ;)

As for Mr. Revere's warning, hide in plain sight. Drown them in sheaves of letters, postings, data, and asundry information.
If you think your handle is going to somehow protect your anonymity, you are wrong. If something you post is going to be used against you in court, they would need things like IP address, trace routes and crap like that. Once they've proved it came from your computer, your name or handle doesn't really matter.

Now, if you change your handle to your name because you've been accused of hiding behind the PC, well, you've reacted, but not responded. It's up to you as to how you choose your identity, and no one else.

I use a handle not because it's anonymous, but because, well, it's just what I use. I wanted to respond to a post about lightning links, couldn't think of a "great" handle, so I picked this lame one. Now, it's everywhere I go. I can't help myself. (I also get regular e-mails from posters asking if I own one. No, of course not.)

IMO, you will always be Cornered Rat (though I will respond to your posted name/handle cause that's what you want). I doubt the political climate has changed so that you feel any less cornered, has it?

The climate has not changed much or for the better, but my perception of odds has. I will still think of my TFL personal as the "cornered rat" (which never provided any anonymity, given direct links to my home page). However, I'd like to avoid the "formerly known as Prince" type of address. My own name is no more formal identifier than CR (though CR is "cooler") anyway...