
I remember getting lots of shots before going. Went there to volunteer so not a lot of fond memories other than the work done.

I think it really depends on where in Africa you go.
I've hunted plains game in Africa a couple of times. Once in South Africa in 2008 & in Zimbabwe last year.
Hunting in Africa is highly regulated & you will have to use a guide.
In South Africa most of the hunting is done on privately owned concessions or game farms. In Zimbabwe there is a mix of privately owned concessions & government parks to hunt in. Either way there is basically a daily rate, which covers accommodation, guides, vehicles, meals, drinks, and a separate trophy fee per animal. Every animal taken is retrieved for skinning & the meat and innards are always used.
How you conduct your hunt is up to you, but I've always talked to the guide prior to the hunt to confirm that I prefer stalking the bush, rather than shooting from a vehicle. All hunts I've been on have been fair chase, waking before sunrise & walking upwards of 10 miles per day. The hunts I've been on have not guaranteed success, as I've still to bag a Kudu, but you will not be disappointed in the numbers of game seen.
Costs vary considerably depending on the level of accommodation & the type of game hunted. A 10 day plains game hunt package including half a dozen trophy fees can be had for around $10,000. On top of this are your airfares & any side trips. I would also recommend you allow a day or so either side of your hunt dates, as things in Africa don't always happen on time.
If you looking at hunting dangerous game get a quote, but look at around $15,000 for cape buffalo , $15,000-$20,000 for Leopard & a lot more for Lion.
Each time I've been to Africa I've spent a month- 2 weeks hunting & 2 weeks travelling around. Each time I've been I have had a fantastic trip & have always said I'd return.
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I'll let you know in July 2014! Just put the deposit down on a 7 day, 6 species plains game hunt in South Africa for late June of that year. I got to go to Entebbe in 1994 for 45 day courtesy of the Army, always said I'd go back.
When I was a kid my father went hunting in Africa a few times and even took me once. How ever I am not financially able to go to Africa to hunt, the best I have done is Alaska.
Shooter, I think you would be surprised if you see the low cost for n a good hunt that can be arranged if you know the right people. get an out fitter that do more hunts with Americans rather than the one that does one for the year and wants do get all his money out of one customer.

as I am typing this my two American friend are waiting on the airport to return to the US. for Richard it was his first African hunt and for Mark his second. both are astonished by the low costs. between the two of them they took more than 20 animals and they said that if you are going to travel to hunt in the US and Alaska you might as well come over here and for more or less the same traveling expenses get to choose from a wide variety of animals.

I went with them for 3 days when they were scouting for Richards eland. while scouting the eland we must have seen 15 different huntable species.

me and Mark met on this forum a couple of yers ago and he sent me a pm ande not 2 months from then he was over here.

here are some pics of the last hunt:





me, Mark and Richard with one of the best looking sprinboks I have seen

the lodging at one of the game lodges.
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some more of the animals they took. I picked a foto here and there of some animals. I cant put all the animals pics on, it is simply to many.




the PH: Benton Davies, Richard and Mark



sometimes the not so common pic's tells a good story of what happens and need to happen for all to come together, like loading a couple of zebra's on the back of the war wagon. all hands on deck
