Africa...Burundi: A Deadline to Disarm


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President Nkurunziza said Monday that Burundians must surrender illegal firearms by Saturday or risk being 'dealt with as enemies of the nation.' The demand came after months of protests over his re-election in July.

I did a search...but I could not find what kind of "illegal firearms" Mr. Nkurunziza was talking about --- but either way --- his demand must have left a chilling shock effect to most Burundians.
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Here's a link to the story.

Essentially, Nkurunziza wasn't legally eligible for a third term. There was a highly suspicious "election" granting him one. At least one coup attempt and general civil unrest followed. He's been threatening violent action against the opposition since summer.

As for the "illegal weapons" in question, the news sources are vague. My guess would be that they would entail the personal weapons of anyone who opposes his regime.
One must keep in mind that in many countries EVERYTHING is illegal. Not quite literally, but effectively pretty close. This allows those in political power to have a "legitimate" reason to arrest whoever they want. It may be that, by law, all firearms are and have been illegal in Burundi, but as long as you didn't make waves police didn't bother enforcing the law beyond possibly extorting an occasional bribe.

Just a generalization based on my experiences places other than Burundi.