Affordable Full Auto


New member
If I was to buy a full auto. which would be the most affordable in either 9mm or 7.62x39mm . Sten, AK family, Swedish K, I know the MP5 is very expensive.
Just as a semi-educated guess, I'd say the STEN or the MAC's.

I don't think anything in 7.62x39 is going to be cheap. I don't believe many were converted before 1986.
I don't know much about the Sten guns but you can forget about the AK-47. The cheapest ClassIII firearm you can get is the Mac-11/9 which will run around the $2,500.00 mark and thats because it's more common then the original Macs. A true AKM will run aleast $15,000.00 and an original AK-47 will run alot more than that.
Macs or maybe a Reisling if you want to get in the $4500 +/- range. Hell, even AC556 prices are up above $5500 now. Some folks are wanting over $7K for them.If you're thinking about it and have the money get in now. The prices aren't going down that's for sure.
I think you should buy what you want and not worry if it was affordable. The way prices are going up you will double your money in five years. Just make sure it runs and you can get parts.

I've owned a Reising Model 50 for the past ten years. It's an early, blued, version. It was surplused to the San Bernadino PD after the War. I've put probably 10,000 rounds through it. Total cost has been one firing pin, and one recoil spring. That's a pretty good record for a 60+ yeard old weapon.

Magazines are expensive. However, Ken Christie has recently begun to manufacture his 30 rounders again.:)
AKM's in the ret of the world are $100 guns,lol..only in america are they worth that kind of $$$,lol..time to reopen the registry
Why are all those guns so expensive in the U.S. ?

I could buy an original russian AK-47/74 for 500 € (586 $). Are they so rare or what are those prices about? (AK just being one example, most common assault rifles would be available from 500-1500 €)
I love this country because it's my home. That being said the USA is the land where money talks and BS walks. Semi-auto AKs run between $300.00 to $1,300.00 depending who makes them. Full-auto usually cost civilians 10 times what their semi-auto counter parts cost.

The US Government pays around $900.00 for a H&K MP5 which probably translates to $1,200.00 cost for military and LE.

Civilian's cost for a H&K MP5 is around $15,000.00 plus Tax stamps and waiting around for the ATF to get done dragging their rears with paperwork.
Why are all those guns so expensive in the U.S. ?

In 1986, Congress forbid any new civilian machinegun registrations. All we can do is trade the ones already registered as of that time. Fixed or shrinking supply + growing demand = skyrocketing prices.
It's not much better over here in Europe: I could buy a full-auto just to collect it, but if I want to take it to any range,the weapon must be modified to make it a semi-auto. Since I want to shoot my guns, I can only have semi-automatic weapons:( But at least the cost is quite low...
i cant say im well educated in the full auto feild but bushmaster has a 3 shot burst kit for 100 dollars which it looks like it has everything