Affordable .40 $ & * Ammo


New member
OK, I really need to spring for the Dillon loader, but I don't have the lump of cash in my pocket right now. Where can I get some inexpensive .40 "blasting" ammo? At one time I picked up 10 boxes or so for $6.95 at a local gun show (PMC). I haven't been able to find comparable prices since. Any advice is appreciated.

Lets see-call it $10 per box for factory ammo-vs $3.75 to roll your own... Figure 2 boxes per week-$12 per week (OK will shoot more with cheaper ammo...). $400 for a progressive and dies or so. $400/12=33 weeks. Sounds like its time to give Dillon a call!

I buy my .40 ammo for plinking from Natchez sporting supply.

Get the S&B .40 S&W 180 gr. for approx. $7.00 a box of 50.

Good shootin ammo, plenty hot and clean firing. Decent accuracy and have not had single falure in 1000 + rounds.

Every time I ordered from them ammo was delivered within 3 days. Now I always call it in Monday and have it before next weekend for sure.

Ask the salesman for best price on whatever caliber and they will give you the latest specials.
