Affects on NJ in regards to "Assualt Weapons" and CCW?


New member
I was wondering what affects the Heller ruling will have on the NJ "Assualt Weapon" ban, and issuance of CCW for mere ordinary citizens?

Currenty there is a way to apply for and receive permits for CCW, "Assault Weapons", and yes even MG's in NJ...

Now of course the issuance of said permits really depends on who you are, who you know, and maybe even how much money you are willing to place in someone hand.... :mad::barf:

Wondering also if anyone would want to help with a test case, as far as completing and submitting an application for CCW, and even an "Assault Weapon".. .I know I always wanted a M1 Carbine, however those are completely banned in NJ... With millions made, it is also very common in usage, and also does not have the appearance of an "assault weapon"....
Guinea Pig time. No, as much as I might enjoy CCW here in NJ, I wouldn't think of applying. I have neither the time nor the resources to start this fight. I'm waiting to see what happens and if it does, great. If not, we're off to TN within three years anyway. I hate to sound cavalier about protecting my rights, my wife, my property YET, you live here, right? Imagine what a Herculean task it would be to be the first person to jump in the ring!

Nothing to loss, except having the check that little box "Ever been denied a permit blah blah blah", well yeah I have for a CCW.... Ah oh well. the big is the help needed to properly setup a filing. I dont mind applying and being denied for either "permits"...
California has suits on the way against discrimination in CCW issuing and one against AW permit denial. Watch them closely.
Immediately there will be none. Heller will need to be cited in cases building up to such a goal. First will be cases in CA and IL.

NY also has an AWB and a CCW system which is managed arbitrarily and capriciously. They can get away with that because ownership itself was until a week ago officially a privilege in NY.

One case at a time.
I am waiting to hear something regarding the cases in IL, CA... Ah the waiting will kill me. In the mean time I contacted the NRA-ILA to explore some options... I really want to push ahead with this, however I want to make sure I can get a decently prepared challenge put together prior to applying.