Afew more Mini 14 questions.


Is the stainless barrel as limp as the blue steel?

Is there another rifle IN IT,S PRICE RANGE
with an eve better reputation, as far as form, fit, function and of course style?
The only sorta similarly priced rifle is a Mak90/AK-clone (I see them at about $400). They are about equally inaccurate, but the AK is more reliable and easier to maintain. I used to prefer Mini14 handling but don't anymore. Sights on the Mini14 are better but I will report on the Mak90 aperture sights next week (just got them installed).

I used to own a Mini14 Ranch (blue) and consider a Mak90 to be an improvement. However, I did get a HBAR to replace the Mini....Mak90+a few others just happened :)
Bottom line is, I am a former Mini14 owner for 1)parts breaking off 2) most magazines not functioning 3)accuracy being hell.

I just picked up an M1 carbine which shares many design points...and the carbine wins hands down EXCEPT for the round it fires. Mini14 is a nice idea...just wasn't made right in my case.

[This message has been edited by cornered rat (edited November 12, 1999).]
Esard-I must first ask what kind of accuracy you seek. The Mini 14 was designed as a light, quick pointing, reliable rifle with a fairly potent round. The accuracy is very acceptable for "combat" and "defense" scenarios. If you think that a 3-4" group at 100 yards will not dump someone, then you should remember that the average width of a human across the chest is about 16" and 5 rounds of 223 in a 4" group will put someone down. The AK, AR, FN, and M1 families are designed to do the same thing. These rifles are designed to work every time and reasonably put it where you aim. That's why it's called "combat accuracy". All designs have their shortcomings and, with enough money and time, can be overcome. The more you shoot, the faster it will break. If you want sub-M.O.A., then go out and find a nice bolt action rifle, but remember that you won't put out as must fire with this setup. I encourage you to sit down and really think about what you need out of your firearm.

[This message has been edited by aztec777 (edited November 12, 1999).]
The Mini 14 has some problems, but there isn't anything in its price range ($400 to $450) that compares. Where I am, the AK47 rifles are all $550 and up. AR 15s are $850 and up. Like it or not, the Mini seems like the best deal out there for an inexpensive self defense rifle.
Around here AK clones run about $450, give or take some. Once you buy reliable magazines, the price difference disappears. AKs have shorter sight radius and no bolt hold open...but are far more robust and have milder recoil. YMMV
Sorry about the extra postings guys. Don't know what happened.

No sweat, I zapped 'em.

[This message has been edited by Mykl (edited November 14, 1999).]
aztec 777 I agree with your post and have seen numerous ar fans complaining about mini accuracy. If ya want accurate buy bolt gun, or M14 setup, the rounds themselves (308) will buck the wind better anyway. Or if you want the ultimate auto accuracy, and are that concerned about it buy Hk psg1.
while I agree that the AK based firearms is superior to the Mini14, I think there is some unfair criticism against the Mini14 here.

Don't blame the Mini14 for magazines which don't work. That's what happens when non-factory mags are used. Granted there are some good aftermarket mags (Precision), but it's not the Mini's fault if some aftermarket manufacturer don't make things to specs.

As for parts which break off, the only part I'm aware of which breaks with regularity is the sorry excuse for the rear sight on the Ranch rifle. Why Ruger doesn't replace it escapes me.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt

[This message has been edited by 4V50 Gary (edited November 13, 1999).]
I have both the mini 14 and the Bushmaster AR. Both are fun to shoot and both have their strong points.. and both will get the job done. ARs aren't reliable with aftermarket mags either, so don't hold that against the mini. It all boils down to what you like personally and what you can afford. At least my mini is not coming under fire by the antigun crowd like my AR is (for now anyway).
The antis haven't jumped on the Mini yet, because they don't consider it a deadly weapon. :)

The issue about the aftermarket mags is a red herring. There aren't millions of NIW G.I. mags available for Mini's; there are for AR's. I GAVE, not sold my Mini Stainless Ranch to a friend. I would have been embarassed to have asked him $$$ for it. I think that he let's his 15-yr-old son play with it.

Mini's weren't designed as any kind of combat rifle. They were designed with the Garrand-style bolt to appeal to a commercial market for people who (like the former me) didn't know any better.
A friend has an unfired Mini14 Ranch stainless, still unfired. He has some other rifles like that as he isn't fond of shoulder arms (44/45 type of guy). Next to the mini were three 30rd mags in factory cardboard boxes. I asked where he got them.

"A friend stopped by and gave them to me"

That, and the sebenza (which is always on my belt as a good luck charm) convince me that gunnies are a generous sort. To most people, those three 30rd mags might be worth almost as much as my knife, these days.
They are factory! Talk about generous. Of course, the gent I mentioned deserves any good things he gets...

Then again, I've given guns and ammo as gifts (to the tune of $1K or so this year). Guess we are just a good-natured generous crowd, even if we did kill Christ...or was it Bambi...damn, being a Jewish gun nut makes it hard to figure out which accusations fit best.

Cornered Rat RKBA posters Portrait, nature photos
I've had a Mini 14 for years. It's a decent little rifle. It does need a new barrel though! "Precision" aftermarket mags work great. I've never had any problems with Ramline's mags. I think Eagle's mags are supposed to be ok. I do have a few unidentified 30 rounders that don't work well. I also have 1 factory 20 round Ruger magazine. It is flawless! What are they worth now? (no, I'm not inteested in selling it!) I rarely shoot it since I got my Bushmaster but it is a fine rifle nonetheless.
Walter, Joseph may have never dipped his wick, but according to the recent NBC TV movie "Mary, Mother of Jesus", young J.C. had an English accent, so apparently Mary had a trist with an Englishman, which is why I suppose she still considered herself a virgin.

Please don't flame me if you are a Christian and offended by this post - it's just a joke. :)
Jaeger-The mini 14 mags that you have that have no markings are most likely USA brand. In my humble opinion, the worst mags you can get for the mini. Do you want some more? I have a few that a "friend" gave to me for free. I got the raw end of the deal. Through experience, the only mag I will acquire for my mini is Precision(PMI). I prefer these even over factory. Also, I did have a ranch model for about a week. The first time I shot it that damn rear sight came off. I repaired it and traded it for a Ruger M77 in 25-06. One of the best trades I've ever made. I even made some money from it. Esard, I don't think you can go wrong with a standard model mini 14. I don't bother scoping a mini. It wasn't designed for accuracy at long ranges. Besides, I like the sights that Ruger put on it. I shot the M16 in competition in the Army and would regularly dump 500 meter targets with iron sights. But it was so sensitive about any amount of grit or dirt in it that I would have a problem after about 200 rounds. Not exactly a confidence builder. I would rather engage long range targets with a bolt anyway. Enough ranting.......

223 Mak 90 and a US Stock kit gives you the BEST of both worlds.

Add a russian bolt hold open device and viola.. perfection.

anway.. mine is pretty cool. Accuracy is enough for coyotes and scaring prarie dogs.

I figured that the POS 30 rounders were USA brand. I dont know how that company stays in business. My PMI 20 rounders, my Ruger 20 rounder and a few 30 rounders work flawlessly. The 30 rndrs that work only have the marking "mini-14" stamped in the baseplate in small letters. The POS 30 rndrs have no markings at all.

Dr.Rob, could you kindly give me more info on the Russian bolt hold open device for your AK. My SA93 would very much like one of those.