Advice on training--please


New member
ok guys- I am going to take holster draw and urban pistol 1 at Gun for Hire in North Jersey-
here is my dilemma ...

I carry concealed EVERY time I can legally when not in NJ- typically a shield 9 in a crossbreed at 4 oclock-- obviously a shield is probably not the best gun for a tactical style course- but I want to replicate my carry as closely as possible( I think)
I have a Ruger SR9C and a crossbreed for it. I have 3 mags all 10 rounds-- 1 is the shorty with finger extension-- and 2 full size with grip sleeves--

I also have a 4043 TSW with duty holster and mag carrier and 10 mags that I use for IDPA..

I prefer to use the Ruger--- closer to the shield in every way--

Is the 3 mismatched mags an issue?(2 full 1 short-all 10 rounds)
If that's an issue- which would be preferred?
with the sleeves they don't fit my double holder so I would just go with two singles--
Thank you in Advance
I wouldn't worry about mismatched mags. You could conceivably carry the large magazine as a spare so it's worth getting in some repetitions to see if that might be worth it.

There's a balance in a class between simulating realism and the limitations of the class environment. Yes your typical carry has fewer rounds, but unless you want to be stepping off line a bunch to reload magazines I can understand using the SR9c. Another option is calling the place hosting the course and seeing what they think. Depending on the instructor and the curriculum there might be enough time allotted for magazine reloads that you could use the Shield anyway and not miss out on drills or instruction. It's a completely reasonable question.

I once watched a guy go through a 2 day reflexive shooting course with a SIG P238. A number of us in the class had Glock 19s or higher capacity pistols. He did really well and never complained, though he did have 8 or so magazines. I also watched a guy go through a day long defensive course with a Shield where he complained repeatedly that he didn't have enough rounds for all the repetitions. The attitude you have going in plays a huge role in what you get out of it. As you're doing the drills remember your own magazine capacity limitations and how that would impact your performance.

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If I was going through a training course, I would definitely want to use the same pistol that I plan on carrying. Heck, you can get a couple Magguts +2 kits and that will give you 10 +1 with the 8 round mag or 9 +1 with the 7 round mag.
While the shield is tempting..
I am concerned that a 400 round class might be a bit much for me with the shield.. that's why I was thinking sr9c... Crazy?
I’ve done 1,500 rounds in two days with a Hi-Power using 13rd mags. As long as you have enough mags that you can get in on all the exercises and not hold up the class, I’d use what you carry.
I would call the instructor and ask all of these questions. He/she will have a precise idea of how many rounds you'll need to complete a drill. I've taken a couple dozen courses, and have yet to need more than about 35-40 rounds before a scheduled reload break, however.

I've run my Shield twice in 4-hour, 400 rd classes, and the gun performed perfectly. The issue is all the reloading you have to do, both mag changes as well as shoving all those rounds into empty mags between drill sets. An Uplula helps a lot with this.

Also, I'd ask if they have requirements/restrictions as to holsters. There's a basics/fundamentals of defensive handgun class that I've taken, in which the instructor would not allow IWB holsters, no serpa-type holsters, no crossdraw of any kind, no shoulder rigs, just OWB between 2:30 to 3:30 (the reverse for lefties), citing safety reasons.

The mismatched mags shouldn't be an issue.
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I would be sure to bring more than one gun. Something could break or not work out the way you expected, and it will be a lot better if you have everything with you that you could need.
I went to the range today and ran 200 rounds through both---
actually shot the shield better which surprised me--

so I order some extra mags for the shield-- and some kydex to make a mag holder-

course says bring 3 mags-- state limit is 10 rnds-- so ill take four 10's for the shield-
I did confirm that IWB was ok

Ill take the SR9 as a back up-- ordered the uplula too-- cause my shield mags dont like the loader for my SR9
I would be sure to bring more than one gun. Something could break or not work out the way you expected, and it will be a lot better if you have everything with you that you could need.
This is also excellent advice. It's never happened to me, but I've seen others have some issue with their gun that couldn't be dealt with during class, which could've ended their participation right there. Fortunately, someone always seems to have a back-up gun, but I always bring a back-up, because well, Murphy's Law. And don't forget to bring the extra mags for your back-up or it's basically a paperweight.
This sure sounds questionable. I'd suggest a whole lot more research.

If you are questioning the range name, I would bet it is legit. Tony Simon 2A4E runs his stuff through them. Sure, the name is odd, but Tony seems to be the real deal.
range is legit--
very legit

and I am going to take 2 duplicate set ups -- shield and SR9C
both with crossbreeds and 3 mags with holders
This is just me but it sounds like you're all set up equipment-wise.

I was going to suggest the Uplula magazine loader but I see you've already got that covered. I'm pretty sure you'll enjoy the Uplula.

Lastly, make sure you have some fun there too. Talk to the other shooters, ask questions. Ask questions until you get your money's worth out of the class...remember you're the customer there and if you have a question I bet a couple others in the class have the same one but are too...inhibited to ask.

Good luck!
I'd use the gun you intend to carry. You might have to buy more magazines but that gets you well into reloading and tactical reloads.