Advice on rifle scope needed

cornered rat

Come spring, I would like to buy my first {b]good scope[/b]. I have owned a couple of junkers and I think I know what I want now. Unfortunately, I can't find anything that matches my shopping list. Can anyone help with suggestions of brand/model/mounting solution?

-1,5x or 2x fixed magnification
-flare resistance (had a simmonds that wasn't blackened inside even!)
-decent light gathering
-able to absorb recoil of 30-06, though I expect to mount it on a .223 or even a .22 at first

I would not be using it on a combat rifle, just want to learn to use a scope effectively.

happy Cornered Rat RKBA posters Portrait, nature photos
Aaahhh....what a great life!
I looked at a Bausch and Lomb 2.5-10x40mm Matte recently, and it was very bright for the money.

Most people will recommend Leupold however. Pick the gun you are going to mount it on and leave it there. You can get the 2.5x but it's a blackpowder model and the parellex might be less than optimum for the .30-06 It's also less than $200 not bad for Leupold... Also consider the classic 4x Leupold you can't go wrong there...
Yeah, DeBee, another Leupold fan. But I have a fairly new Simmons 44 Mag on my '06; works fine. I've used Redfields and a lot of Weavers.

Cornered Rat, even the scopes which used to be sneered at are now fairly good--at least, in their mid-range or upper-range pricing.

Guys have posted here about liking their
Tascos and others, on some fairly notable-recoil rifles.

I personally don't care for objective lenses over 40 to 44 millimeter on a hunting rifle. My reason is that it is a bit difficult to mount them low enough for a good "weld" of your cheek to the stock.

So this is where your intended use comes in. Deer hunting? Walking, or from a stand? Long-range shots, out around 250 to maybe 400 yards? Or varmint hunting, at night, generally around 50 yards or maybe less? Casual plinking?

I've gotten to where I usually leave my 3X9 variable on 3...Field of view is more important than magnification, I've come to believe--at least in deer-hunting.

I dunno. Any decent scope will handle recoil. And you should have returned the Simmons for a "finished" scope. Light gathering is a function of the diameter of the objective lens. Bigger = more light. I've shot a lot of coyotes at night with a K4, as well as 40mm variables.

Early morning or late evening, binoculars will do the light gathering to count points on "Old Biggie", and a K4 is plenty good to put the cross-hairs on his chest.

Don't use your rifle scope as a spotting scope; it might be me instead of a deer, and I resent having crosshairs between me and you--unless they're mine, of course. Think about it.

So think about your probable uses...

Best luck, Art

Lock, Stock, and Barrel
I followed up a tip a few weeks ago on another thread and bought a Leupold VariX-II 3-9x40mm for $207. and they sent a hat and t-shirt with it! Great Buy!
Get a good quality, variable power scope to get the most out of an '06.
I prefer to mount my own scopes (but get some GOOD help if you need it) locktite the screws when everything is fitted right, and leave it there forever.
Mounting isn't difficult but there are a few little tricks, and you can damage a scope if done wrong.
Low power fixed scopes are fine for handguns and close-in brush guns, but a variable up to 8,9 or10X will give you more options.
CR. I read your post, and the one on clarification. Weaver makes a 2.5 power scope. It only comes in Gloss Black finish. (Nothing you can't cure with a can of flat black spray paint. :) )
Seems like the only thing Simmons makes in fixed power is for shotguns. I'll bet they are parallex adjusted for only 50 yards.
I had an old Weaver (pre-Blount) 4x mounted on an AR-15. It had a post reticle and was very fast on running jack rabbits. My wifes Ruger international has a Kollmorgan Bear cub scope (2/3/4X) with apost that is very fast to use. (Kollmorgan= Pre-Redfield Redfield)
I have not used the new Weavers but I guess they could be an option. Most of the scopes I have are 3x9 Redfields that I am slowly changing over to Leupolds. I think they may make a 2.5 or 3X scope, but the trend seems to be going from the sublime to ridiculously high powered variables.
Anyway, I hope this was of some help.
Paul B.