Advice on J frame tune

Gunner's mate

New member
I recently did a home action job on an older Chief's Special. The gun was dated about 1955 and had the flat latch. There is a tiny V shaped spring that provides the push for the cylinder stop. When you remove the side plate, trigger and cylinder, the spring comes out and is difficult to replace. Call Brownells or Scared & Whimpy(S&W):( and order the newer type coil spring. It will fit and be much more reliable.
Boy, that is a new one on me. I never saw any cylinder stop spring in that late an S&W other than a coil spring. The early Chiefs Special had the same kind of front screw, spring and plunger as the other S&W's of the era. You must have hit either a real wild experimental or someone had replaced the original spring before you got there.

Jim one on me too.

I too wonder if maby somebody in years of yore lost the coil spring and made do with a V spring.

Ok, I've heard rumors about this, but never seen one. This many have been a factory expediency or a special order on some early guns, although I can't figure out why.

What's the serial number on your gun?

How many screws?

Got a digital camera?

I'd love to see some close up photos with the spring out to see the spring seat cut.
V spring

I thought it was unusual too but I called S&W and talked to an older gentleman who used to work on their revolvers. He knew what I was talking about. I'll try this weekend to get a picture on the forum. Just when you think you've seen everything????