Advice needed

Turn him in?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • No, but keep an eye on him

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, and don't worry about it

    Votes: 6 75.0%

  • Total voters
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New member
So I need some advice. I know of someone, whom owns a CETME. He altered the selector switch so that it can be switched to full auto, however I know he doesn't have the parts to make it officially fire full auto. There is a part of me that feels I should turn him in for making that alteration, however I am unsure whether or not it will matter since only the switch has been altered, everything else is intact and the firearm can only fire in semi-automatic. Any advice?

So you know a guy who doesn't have a full auto weapon, but you're thinking of ratting on him? For what? If his weapon is a semi auto, what has he violated?
Of course, that really doesn't address my real question. What are you, the secret RAT police? If you know I ran a red light, do you feel maybe you shold rat on me?
Your question represents the worst mankind has to offer. Disgusting.
It's a tough call and how I would handle it would depend on a lot of factors. Think it over and you'll have to trust that you will do the right thing.

Calling someone a rat and their actions disgusting for considering reporting a crime is ridiculous. Grow up car guy.
Ya know sounds like a odd question, What I would do is put your self in his place you made your selector switch able to move to a different position and just by doing that make you feel like a gunsmith but you still know it not a auto rifle but just the same you feel different that the other guys with a simuliar rifle. Now would you enjoy if the police came to your home and remove all of you firearms and ammo pending a full investigation in to your physic eval... and as you know your doing this did not make a SHTF rifle just a rifle and the people you trusted can no longer be trusted.... have you never did or performed an act that was not kosher or moral depending on the answer and all things being fair just how would it feel knowing you were not going to hurt anyone just wanted to try something and it didn't work? Hmm....just as the carguy expressed his views sticking your nose somewhere it doesn't belong just to be that guy that trying to correct the world..... I know I would not need or want that guy around me but its your call.
What has he possibly violated? Illegal modification of a firearm. The rest, well...-shrugs- call me what you will. I'm not a lawyer, and simply am hoping someone with a better level of knowledge than I can give me a clear understanding of the legality of the issue.

Bond, yeah, lotta factors. I know he's mentioned the idea of making it full auto...and I know thats why he altered the selector switch, however the fact that it isn't full auto also weighs. Just don't know.
Where is the crime?

Maybe some of you leagal beagles can find the crime (buried in the ATF regs?). If the rifle isn't full auto, he isn't in posession of an unregistered full auto. If the rifle has the required number of US made parts, he is in compliance with the other ATF regs (922, etc.).

All he has done is to alter the safety (selector switch) so that it moves to another position, a NON FUNCTIONAL position. This would not, in and of itself, seem to violate the law (in my opinion).

However, IF his intention was to convert the gun to full auto (illegally -and that is the only way it can be done nowdays) then he may be guilty of conspiracy to violate Federal Firearms laws. And that is a crime, even if no firearms are actually altered to full auto function.

Like a silencer that does not work, you can still be guilty of a crime, without actually producing a functional weapon.

You know the guy, its your call. If he bragged on it to you, odds are he did it to someone else also. If you believe his intent is to violate Federal law, then you should act accordingly.
Some company sells a fake selector switch for an M1A/M14
Should they be stopped, and has the swift kick to the posterior become outdated?
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Start working with the ATF right away. We need to get scum like this off the streets before they endanger the American way of life.

See if you can get him to commit other crimes like selling you a shotgun that might have too short of a barrel or denying being a White Supremacist. The fair and balanced, well run organization that is the ATF will make certain he is treated fairly.
Why has anyone even voted in this poll?
What a silly question.

Should I turn in my friend for not doing something illegal?

If you were my friend I would have some choice words for you that would end in "and don't ever come back".
Did he actually do anything?

I know that HK selectors can be moved down to the full-auto position without any alteration. Obviously, they still fire in semi-auto. I don't know if CETME selectors are the same.
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